Dinner Dates

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Clarke's POV:

This is so uncomfortable.

I'm walking through the mall and I'm getting so many eyes: men looking me up and down and women making snarky comments...However, I walk straight pass them not letting it get to me or try to at least.

After wondering around For awhile I reach a restaurant,where I was told to meet, named: restaurant de la beauté- it's French...meaning restaurant of beauty.

I can see why aswell. It's amazing.

I just need to get through this night as fast as possible- I think to myself regaining my thoughts.

Defocusing my sight from the restaurant I see a male.
I see him.
It send goosebumps to my arms, it could be the wind??no, definitely not.

I begin to question my purposes here, thinking it's all a bad idea- which it is. But I shake the thought because I know that I have to do this. He stands I get walk into the restaurant, his eyes not leaving mine and he smiles broadly as I reach our table. Stepping through the gorgeous restaurant I eventually get to our table taking in the beautiful room with me...my eyes loosing his in the process.

A regularly large room meets my eyes, the beige wallpaper covers all the walls with the some quotes written here and there around the room. Gorgeous, circular lights brighten up the room around me. Striding, I walk straight to our table - which is in the centre of the entire thing! When he stands, I assume he's going to say something but he doesn't. Instead, I make the first move and hug him before sitting down at our dark oak table and matching chairs. Plants and art dot themselves around the room and I find myself looking at a particular one....i recognize it but I don't know where from.

" Clarke... You ok??" He asks too nicely snapping me out of my trance
" Yeah...i'm just taking in this beautiful place- how'd you find it?" I ask faking a smile
" If you want me to be honest, a friend told me so you should really thank her." Her??
" Oh, well tell her I appreciate it. What's her name??" Please give me a name

" Her names Alison..we should probably order because the food sometimes take forever to come."
How pathetic...Alison?? REALLLYY
" Yeah um what you having?" I ask( I'm always asking the questions, he's not even bothered about me??) this isn't an actual date REMEMBER CLARKE.

not being selfish but actually fuck it yes I am. And I don't care because I've always thought they would show interest or something. Ugh, I hate to say it but Bellamy was right it WAS a bad idea. But this is work. And I have to DO work.

" Excuse me." He says politely and walks off to the toilets.

Quickly, I swap the drinks on the around(since we ordered the same) because for starters I don't trust him one bit and secondly, he put a tracking device in mine so now I'll be able to track him, I figured that as soon as the waiter came over - I just have to get Jasper to link computers and hack the server.

Omg I can change the host. I can take a small sample of the drink with the tracker in and put it in a small container in my bag, when I get home if Monte can do his science magic or whatever and retrieve an ID number. Jasper can hack the server or should I say Ali's server- she'll be using her computer the follow everyone and control them.

IF Jasper can hack her laptop and make us the host, we can get everyone back! Ok so brief summary Clarke:

1) Take sample of drink with tracker-done that
2) Get Monte to separate the tracker from the drink
3) Get Jasper to find an idea number
4) Get Jasper to find Ali's computer
5) Hack the computer, change the host
6) Make my laptop the host
7) Get everyone back to normal
Then beat the shit out of Ali.

" Hey.." He says as he reaches the table- I can get out of here now.

Time passes quickly before our meal finally arrives; I need to get answers, find out anything before I can go.

" So where are you from?" I ask as I take a bite out of my medium-rare steak.
" Here n' there." He answers quickly
" You ever been to California?"he nods quickly then begins to speak
" So tell me about you, who were your friends and family." He's starting to sound a bit more like himself but I'm not fooled. You'll need to try harder than that Ali seriously.
" I've got all the friends I need in New York, they replace my family easily." I'm only half lying.

My mom was-is a hard person to deal with. I never saw her through training but it was always her idea for me to go back when I did.

" Family??" He asks
" Back in Orlando. Have you been before??"
" No," he replies harshly. He is making it really hard to keep a conversation going.
" Ok, well what about this woman, who chose this place for us to eat, how do you know her." I ask pretending to be interested.
" Through work, I work on the police." No he doesn't, I know he doesn't because Kane is already 'working' there. Ali wouldn't waste 2 people in one working space she'd need as many eyes and ears as possible to follow me around.
" Oh so you must have been there when Kane retired a few weeks ago, he told me in English"
" Yeah. It was sad but I think he wants to focus on teaching for awhile." Now he's definitely lying because Kane never retired.

After we finish our meal we decide to walk around the shops, I'm just begging we don't bump into Bellamy.

As we walk around he slips his hand into mine and I give him a curious look but ignore it, just play along- I know I have to but I hate this- I think to myself.

" So what about you mystery boy tell me your life " I ask once again
" I've already told you everything!" He replies with a smile on his face
" No you haven't, you haven't told me anything." I say getting more annoyed.
" Princess look..." He trails off not knowing what to say
" Don't you dare call me that." I say quietly
" What's gotten into you? Clarke what's wrong?" He asks persistently
" Nothing just....this was a mistake." I say

ARE YOU REALLY GONNA WALK AWAY EMPTY HANDED.......wait a second what am I saying, I've already gotten enough. I can go.

I walk away from him leaving his sorry ass sorry all alone; I call Bellamy and ask to meet up. I need to tell him.  Tell him everything.
Sorry for the really long update and the really long wait.

Hope yous are loving this book!!!

Feel free to leave comments and give feedback much appreciated💞💞 xxx


eventually, after a while, he picks up sounding concerned.

" Clarke where are you? Are you ok??"
" Yes I'm fine where are you now?" I ask, hoping he's not far
" The bar." His voice goes sluggish
" Bellamy!" I almost shout," Seriously, are you drinking??" I whisper
" What, no no. I'm no drinking ok." His voice goes all messy and I sigh
" Where are you Bellamy?" I groan
" Sunday Rose??" He replies and I immediately walk through the mall towards where all the clubs are- on the opposite side.

I've never handled drunk Bellamy...this should be fun.SARCASM.

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