Turned tables

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Clarke's POV:

Pushing the great, heavy door open a bit further: I stare blankly into nothing. If I didn't already know what was in this room, I would have been completely gobsmacked.

But, I do know that this is the control center....hang on. The control center.


I turn around so quickly, just to see if Bellamy is there, I bump into him, stumbling back a little but his strong arms are quick to catch me before i hit the metal floor.

" Slow down there princess." He whispers

" This is the control center, Bellamy we might be able to disable the chips from here." I say a little too loudly.

However, a sharp voice stops Bellamy from answering...

" And then the two of you's can run into the sunset and live happily ever after." Ali's voice simmers from inside the room.

So much for being unseen.

Rolling our eyes, we venture into the darkened room, finding that as soon as we enter the door shuts itself behind us. Then, the lights flicker on and we're reminded how painfully bright the light actually are. She sits on one of the work desks, sitting up straight with her long legs dangling from the table top. As she speaks she makes hand gestures- if I didn't hate her I'd probably be jealous.

She jumps off and slowly walks towards us, Bellamy and I stand side-by-side giving her unpleasant looks.

" Now I wouldn't say my sister is that ugly." Pike says from ahead of us, higher.

There's a second level, with stairs connecting, at the back of the room; behind all of the computers there's a few working tables with things scattered across. To be honest it looks more of a lab filled with high-tech stuff in.

Jasper would love this place- I can't help but think to myself

Slowly, Pike wonders down the stairs and eventually stands beside his slutty sister.

" You look well Clarke." Pike says orderly

" No thanks to you." I spit, " You guys took everything from me"

" I could take something else"

" Well there's not much more you can take." I snap back but keeping calm

" I could think of something." Ali says while staring down Bellamy

If only looks could kill....Ali and Pike would be LONGGG gone.

" I'd stop thinking before you all those brain cells ." A say smiling

" Like that girl lost her life....I mean my condolences but is it not hard to carry her death on your shoulders." She teases

" You killed her not me." I say quietly, playing the game

" But she was in that situation because of you." Ali states

" I didn't ask her to come for me!" I yell defensively- all fake.

" No...she didn't. I did, I asked her to come to find you..so her death is on me Ali not Clarke." Bellamy admits and I turn my head to face him,

He's good at this.

" Bellamy-" I begin

" That's some...that's some crazy shit there- admitting to killing one of your friends." Ali says as her eyes sparkle with excitement...

" Oo Pike what's that saying from that tv show, stranger things!" Ali slaps his chest lightly in excitement- clearly enjoying herself too much.

" Only love will-"

" Drive you that crazy sweetheart." Ali finishes

" Too bad you'll never get to experience what love feels like Ali" Bellamy says with confidence

" Oh but you have already...I mean you flew across New York to see her.." she says taking a step closer to him.

" Atleast the devil earned the horns on top of his head, you just pretend their there"
I block her path instantly and she laughs.

" Kids." Pike huffs.

" How about I give you ten seconds to run before I paint these walls with your blood Ali.."

" That's it. Be creative Clarke." Pike says excitedly, I shoot him a death glare.

" Take a seat we have things to discuss" Ali says walking up to the seconds level, Pike doesn't move.

" Well don't all move at once." Pike mutters and that's when I start walking- Bellamy at my heels.

We're lead up the stairs and through a rather large glass door.

The room itself is very modernized, black leather furniture with white-washed walls.

At the table sits the five members of the council- obviously not 6 be used Lexa is with us. We take a seat each- I don't even give a glance to my mom who is sitting opposite- Bellamy sits to the right of me while I casually look around the room. Mapping different exits and ways out, what could be used as a weapon if necessary.

What the hell is this??

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