Bright Lights

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Clarke's POV:


" Clarke I'm just going in here, I think I heard something!" My best friend, Wells, says to me as he leaves me alone with our prisoner.
" Fine but be quick." I say back to him not taking my eye off the culprit.

He then disappears into the large flat, where the man before we caught him was living- I turn back to him.
" Disable it now." I say with no emotion, he laughs; I point a gun to his head but he doesn't flinch- out of the corner of my eye I see a figure of a man- PIKE?? Wait no. But it looks like him.
" NOW!!" I scream pushing the gun into his temple, ignoring the man I thought i saw
" This isn't the bomb." He whispers devilishly, then smirks
" What??" My voice is drowned out by the ecstatic bang coming 10feet away from me, I fall to the floor from the aftermath.

After several seconds on the floor, I stand up while picking a few glass shards out of my arm from the explosion- the man is on the floor dead; a rock crushed his head.
WELLS- I think to myself, he went in there.

" WELLS!!" I scream from the top of my lungs," WELLS!!" I shout again, my breathing increases as I prepare for the worst.... no reply

Charging into the falling building, I search through the rubble and stone only to find Wells' deceased body lying there...or part of it. He got caught right in the explosion. I don't get it. We checked the bomb, that man had it.
I'm overwhelmed with emotions and my world comes crashing down right in front of me, I drop to the floor as I find bits of his body on the floor. I punch, kick, anything to ease the pain but nothing is worthy- I cannot contain it.

All of a sudden, I feel a slap across my face, leaving a red mark and my eyes bolt open to find myself strapped to a chair or well...a bed. taking me from my nightmare.

It's a dentist like bedding or a sun bed. Securely my hands are strapped by my waists held down with Metal, thick handcuffs- same with my feet. I'm stripped of my weapons, all of them: but my vision is still a bit blurry.

An unfocused image of a person stands in front of me, holding a clipboard noting down something. As my vision straightens up, I see the figure and I'm blown away.

" What the hell Fox??!" I shout rattling my handcuffs
" What?? Are you working for them too?" I say in anger, staying still.
" I don't know what your on about." She declines emotionless.
" REALLY ALI!!" I scream she's probably watching me though a camera or something," WHY DON'T YOU COME OUT HERE YOURSELF, INSTEAD OF CHIPPING OTHER PEOPLE TO DO YOUR DIRTY WORK." I scream.

A door opens from behind me, shit I wish I could turn around.

" You still haven't changed have you Clarke." A male voice says from behind, growing louder with each passing second
" I see your still Ali's lapdog." I say smirking as the beast stands in front of me
" Say anything you want but after I put this in your neck, I'll be in control of you full stop." Pike replies.

He holds the chip up and I shake the bed violently. I would rather die than get that thing inside me.
" I'll kill you." I say raged," I kill you slowly. And watch your blood fill rivers through these corridors." I say feeling myself give in to the dark side
" Your not her anymore Clarke, living with Bellamy has weakened you," he puts the chip back into his pocket," I'm not here to chip you, I'm here to try our experiments on you" he states
" I was the original test subject, I've already had this treatment it was after I had it that Cedrick decided he was against the idea..but it was too late. You already made a monster. And you wanted to make more so you murdered him aswell as Wells and my Father. You gonna kill me too after your done with me?" I ask knowing he's paying attention to me.
" Wanheda is not apart of you anymore Clarke, she died when you left. But it doesn't matter because soon enough you'll be dead through treatment."

He takes out a syringe with a yellow, gloopy substance inside
" Lets see how much you can take before you break..then maybe I'll experiment on your friends, Bellamy first maybe??" He sniggers
" You touch him..any of them and you'll see Wanheda's work first hand" I say warningly
" Save that energy you'll need it." It says before sticking the needle into my neck.

I scream. I scream so loudly I think Bellamy heard me all the way from New York. A second later, I fall down a black hole, an endless hole of my fears and nightmares.

Bellamy's POV:

" Come on Sleepy head, we're here." Murphy slaps my chest as I jolt awake from the rough landing.
"Coming." I reply

Soon we're all off the plane and in McDonalds eating before we go off to find Clarke and...actually what do we do when we find her?

" So Bell.. what are we doing when we find Clarke??" Can my sister read my mind or something, she asks while stuffing her face with chips.
"" I stutter, why the hell are you stuttering?
" He'll confess his love " Raven says exaggeratedly
" Fuck off." I reply with a low voice
" Seriously, though what are you gonna say to her?? Hey Clarke, sorry to bother you after you drugged me and all but I flew here from New York to bring you home. How are you today?" Murphy asks sarcastically and I throw a nugget off him.
" Choke on that." I say in a deep tone before miserably failing into my most famous smirk.
" And it smiles.." Jasper says joining in.
" Hate to ruin the fun guys but we haven't got a place to stay." Monte intervenes
" We could try a hotel in the city, it'll be right next to the Organization probably- I guess it will be easy to find with it likely to be so big." Lincoln suggests
" Yeah sounds good, we'll drop off our bags then go looking for Clarke." I reply
"'s nearly 7 o'clock and by the time we get checked in to a hotel it's will be too late for us to go out looking for Clarke " my sister rejects
" You scared of the dark O??" I tease
" No, I'm just saying it will be safer and you look shattered." She argues back
" Look, guys.... are you most likely to get caught in the daylight or at night when it's dark. It's gonna be dangerous either way so." I argue p- I made a good point.
" That's my point Bell. It doesn't matter if it's light or will still be dangerous." Fuck off O
" What about this then??" I begin," What if they found Clarke before us? What if...what if she's dead by tomorrow morning, and we never got the chance to get to her because we chose sleep over finding her. I'm sorry O but I'm not taking that risk." I say knowing that she listened.

" He has a point." Raven says and I put my arms out trying to convince the others as well.
" O, i'm going anyways but I'm asking you's to join me." I say
" Bell...I don't think." She starts but Murphy cuts her off
" I'm in, you can't spell danger without Murphy." He says- he really is not funny
" Yes you can." Jasper says- Is Jasper Lennie from Mice and Men or something??
[A/N: Sorry if some people don't get the reference]
" Jasper your stupid on a whole different level." Monte says shaking his head.
" Can we stop joking around and go please." I beg.

I just want to find Clarke and a bring her home.

" All right come on Romeo." Octavia says and she receives a glare off me in return.
" O. I'm not even gonna start " I say giving up with everything all at once
" Because you know I'm not lying Bell everyone here already knows you like her." Is she.

Seriously, in front everyone?? Times like these? I miss her teenage years.

Sorry for the long wait guys anyways enjoy the chapter xx

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