Midnight Talks

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Clarke's POV:

Everyone went to bed a while ago, Bellamy won't let me move off this sofa and he's always checking to see if I'm ok. I'm not used to the attention but I quite like it- off Bellamy anyways.

He's in the kitchen making us his most-famous hot chocolate he thinks he's some world class drink maker or something. It's cute.

" Here." He says softly, handing me a cup of hot chocolate as he takes his own and sits next to me on the sofa.
" Thanks." I say softly

We sit there in silence- not the awkward silence but the nice calming silence. The kind where you don't need to communicate because the persons presence is enough for you.

Eventually, he breaks it and starts off a conversation.
" Can we really help Raven?" He asks, concerned.

Maybe he likes her. I feel a sinking feeling in my chest, I can't help it; I choose to ignore it. I don't even like him though..not like that.....

" I hope so. You care about her don't you." I ask, immediately regretting the words from my mouth. Nervously, I tap my fingers on my cup making a quiet clicking sound
" Yeah," My heart sinks if I hadn't already had black eyes he would of noticed how puffy my cheeks are right now," But I care about Octavia....Jasper, Monte, Murphy even Lincoln."
" Geez thanks." I joke but it does hurt. I just hide it with sarcasm like always.
" I worry about you.  " So I'm a charity case. Got it.

This is why you never let feelings get involved with this stuff Clarke. Don't let them in anymore.

"We should go to bed." I suggest, trying to change the topic of the conversation.
" Yeah, I'll go get the spare blankets and quilt."
" Ok." I smile

Bellamy Blake what are you doing to me??
I really don't get you.
I like him. I know that
but I don't know what way.
But I don't want him to get hurt, if something happened to him. I couldn't forgive myself. I just couldn't.

" Penny for you thoughts Griffin?"
" Hm?" I wasn't really listening
" Penny for your thoughts?" He raises his eyebrows
" That's a new one." I say smirking
" New what?" He asks chucking me a pillow
" Nickname. It's usually princess." I hate the nickname but I think it's our thing at the same time so..
" Nothing will ever replace Princess, it will always be my nickname and no one will take it."
" You should really write poetry." I joke
" Roses are red, violets are blue, I see a princess- too bad it's not you." He waves his hand and bows sarcastically.
I just laugh at his awful poetry skills

He helps me up and stands me so he can make my bed, not that he'll let me help him.
" It's gonna be cold tonight Princess take these." He hands me all the blankets bar one
" Bellamy, I don't need 1million blankets, you need some." I protest
" I need one, you need to keep that leg warm. Rather you have them than me."
" Nice try." I say sarcastically clapping , I chuck the blanket in the corner.

" Here, help me push these sofas together." I say and I get a smirk in return
" You know, if you wanted to be in bed with me you could have just asked."
" You wish."
" Obviously."

We push the sofas together to create a messy new bed.

" We'll be warmer." I clear the air
" Oh that's the reason." He whisper sarcastically.
" The only reason." I say smiling.

" What are you doing??" I asks he picks me up and carries me to the bed we made.
" Cooking you breakfast what do you think. I'm not letting you walk on that you need to rest it."
" Bellamy. I'm not a child."
" Then stop acting like one." He says placing me down
" then stop giving me a reason to act like one ." I playfully hit his chest as he climbs into bed with me.
" Can you stop complaining for 3 seconds"
" Stop giving me something to complain about it then."

He places the blankets over us one by one until we're buried in them. He turns over, creating unwanted space between us, his back to me.
" Bellamy." I whisper into his ear and he turns around to face me.
" Thank you." I close my eyes and listen to the silence but something tells me that he's watching me sleep so I reopen them and...I'm right.

" You know it's rude to stare." I say, our faces inches apart
" What do you expect when you've got blood in your hair." What??! Oh my god. My cheeks heat up.

Am I blushing? Yes. Bellamy Blake made me blush? What the hell, nobody makes me blush it's just not right.

" Your blushing."
" No I'm not." I turn myself around so he can see my back
" Hey Clarke." He whispers
" What?" I say without turning around
He whispers into my ear," I don't care if you have blood in your hair, just shower in the morning."

Well that's a good thing that he doesn't care what I look like? I'm overthinking way too much.

"Good night Bell." I say. Bell? I said bell? No one says Bell but Octavia and I'm pretty sure he realized crap.

However, instead of saying something daft he pulls me close, wrapping his arms around me and we stay like that until I fall asleep. It's nice.
Hi guys sorry for the short chapter💞

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