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Clarke's POV:

It was just a distraction.

Or at least I have to keep telling myself that.

After a while, I find myself a train ticket, which is heading straight for New Orleans- birth place of ARKOrg. If I can get to the facility before Ali and Pike realize I've left, I can disable her computer from the control room in ARKOrg, since our plan didn't work.

I hear the person from the speakers shout, and I make my way onto the train keeping a low profile. Finding my seat, I pull up my phone and listen to my playlist- I've got a long time to go- 1day and 6 hours. In a lifetime, the train eventually toots and we begin moving. Fortunately, I have an empty seat beside me so I just place my rucksack there, I sit next to the window but keep and arm in my bag so it doesn't get stolen.

Overwhelmed with my thoughts, tears fall from my eyes and scar my cheeks as I allow my thoughts to take control.

You did the right thing Clarke. What were you planning to do after anyways? Live happily ever after with Bellamy and Octavia. Remember. Once the ARK is running back to normal, you go back to your normal life- working there. You would have had to leave anyways.

Soon enough I drift off to sleep, drowning in my own nightmares.

Bellamys POV:

I wake up to a crowd of familiar faces over me...but not the one I'm looking for. Currently, I'm lying down on the couch in the basement with all the others beside me looking over concerned. Soon enough, a deafening pain in my head appears but I ignore it the best I can.

" Where's Clarke??" I ask, my voice raspy

All of their heading kinda drop down, like they don't want to reply- my heart begins to beat faster and my pulse raises.

" O??" I ask with curiosity
" She's uh..She left" she says with watery eyes
" What?? You's let her leave." I say getting annoyed
" I tried to stop her." Monte chirps in and I turn my head to him
" How?"
" I tried talking her out of it so she did to me what she did to you." He says
" Oh." I say.

My eyes become droopy and my heart beats out of my chest, my breaths become heavier.

" We need to go get her." I say quietly
" Bellamy she's probably half way around the world by now." Jasper says disappointed
" What? How long have I been out?" I ask confused
" A Day and a bit ." Raven says
" We still need to go get her." I persist
" Where we gonna go??" Murphy asks
" New Orleans. That's where she'll go " I say smiling
" This isn't a good idea." Lincoln says
" Fine you stay here. I'm going." I say getting up.

" No. We're coming." Octavia says," we all are." She smiles
" Right then, pack a few things- grab all the money you's have and we'll work something out." I say excited.


Eventually, all of us are gathered around the kitchen table and Raven is finishing counting the money.
" How much Raven?" Monte asks
" 3,000 dollars between the 7 of us." She says
" Ok, well let's just get drive down." Jasper says
" No, just fly down it's only take 4 hours. Come on, we'll just get out tickets at the airport." I say already grabbing my back and everyone follows me out the door, grabbing a few bags we brought.


Once we reach the airport I head straight to the desk, luckily there's no line so we're seen straight away. Raven and I go to the desk while the others just wait in some seats for us to get our tickets.

" Hi, can I help you guys with anything." The guy  behind the desk asks
" Yes actually, what flights have you got for New Orleans today- any time is fine." I ask desperately, Raven nudges me.
" Well it's 1:13pm now. Let me just check my computer, is it just the two tickets??" He asks looking at Raven
" No actually, 7 please ." She asks
He spends a few minutes clicking on his computer and looks up at us.
" Well, there's good news and bad news." He says with no emotion
" There's a flight at 2 pm at Gate 7 but there's only the 4 seats." He says
" Well is there any other flights". I ask losing hope
" Not until tomorrow morning but that is also fully booked" he replies.

" Is there nothing." I ask getting frustrated at the man and Raven tells me to go sit down, that she'll handle it.

Ravens POV:

" Is there Nothing!!" Bellamy asks getting annoyed- .Bellamy looks like he's gonna go Godzilla on the poor man
" Hey, calm down, go sit with the others I've got this." I reassure him and he walks away to Jasper and Monte. I turn back to the man behind the desk.

" I'm sorry miss but there's nothing I can do." He says but I notice that his eyes aren't looking at my face, instead his eyes are buried into looking at my boobs

I have my skinny, cuffed, blue ripped jeans on with a thin grey vest and a red, black and white checked-shirt unbuttoned on.

THAT PERV- actually......

Biting my lip as sexy as possibly, I pull the bobble from my hair and flop onto his desk- making my chest a bit more visible.
" Are you sure.... there's can do." I say as my fingers dance across the desk skimming the mans computer- his eyes are on me now.
" Well er.." he stutters

Leaning further forward onto the desk I speak again.
" Why don't I come around there and see if we can find a few seats for my friends." I wink
" S-sure" he nods.

" What is she doing ?" I hear Octavia whisper- saving your asses.

I walk around, so I'm sitting with the man behind the desk looking at the fully booked plane seating chart. He moves his chair back so he can make room for me to get in and I purposely bend over making him uncomfortable.
" So..why don't we, move these three seats to the next flight out." I say seductively Turing my head to face the man.
" That's against regulation." I sigh exaggeratedly

Standing up to face him, I get right in his face- so close to his mouth that I can smell the chili he had for dinner but not touching. Gross.

" I think we can think of something." I whisper
" Maybe." He smirks.
" Go on then, book our tickets."
" Well." He stutters again

So I fake fall and end up with my hands on his thighs
" Sorry." I say smirking
He takes my hands from his thighs and uses them to push up his glasses on his face, just then the man books our seats on the plane and cancelling some random other people's.

Now I just have to get out of here.

" Thankyou, greatly appreciated." I wink and quickly leave before he says anything else.

You still got it Raven.
So guys I got inspired to publish this.
I thought I would include Raven a bit more because why not?? 😉

Now that they have the plane tickets will they find Clarke in time??

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