One less life

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Clarke's POV:

My body screams. I scream. Hysterically, crying.

I-I-I can't believe- he-he shot...

" Why???" I cry

" You needed to learn" he says

I wipe my tears from my face and look at him with blood-thirsty eyes.

" I will make it my cause that you never know a moment of happiness. I am going to make you suffer in ways your spoilt, little, deluded mind cannot possibly imagine....I will haunt your mind and deliver immense pain to the point where you beg for my mercy-"

" There's the Wanheda I miss"

" Your gonna wish she disappeared and never came back after I'm done with you." I state and turn my head towards the two bodies on the floor on top of each other.

I run over seeing two bodies on the floor. He only shot Bellamy didn't he??.

The chairs broke and a girl lies on top of Bellamy- Pike and all the Guards along with Ali left the room letting me grieve. I hear Octavia crying into Lincoln, Murphy crying to and Emori in shock. Jasper and Monte crying silent tears....hang on, it must be Ravens body on top, she'll be terrified.

" I'm Coming.." I say crying as I limp over with my bag leg.

" Come on Raven, you've got to..." I tell her trying to push her off him only to realize that Raven isn't moving. At. All.

" Oh my.." I say holding in a breath.

" Raven come on.." I say crying," RAVEN!!" I shout crying hysterically.

Eventually I pull her off a dead Bellamy and have her back on the floor. The handcuffs broke from the fall from the chair to the ground.

" Raven please." I say sobbing," Don't leave." I cry.

I sit there and hug her, pulling her onto my lap almost forgetting about Bellamy.

I straighten myself up and place my ears to her chest. There's a small heartbeat but she's loosing blood quick- we need to sterilize it fast...but my minds in another place.

" Clarke.." Octavia croaks from her cries.

I look up at her, with my puffy eyes and nod which O relaxes a little.

" What about Bellamy??" She asks as a storm forms in my head

My hands are trembling as I crawl over to him, placing Raven on the floor and pull him onto my lap, I look at Octavia and shake my head- she screams and shouts.

I sit there in silence. Not knowing how to react or what to do. I'm pretty sure I just died.  My legs feel numb, as well as other parts of my body. Everything but my heart. That's working perfectly, it's hurting and breaking into a 1000 shattering pieces all over Bellamy.

And then.
And then my heart stops even more- if possible

"Princess??" He asks slowly opening his eyes,

I lose my breath. Tears stain my cheeks, like a messy artwork. I breathe heavily, blinking several times.

" B-Bellamy?" I ask incase it's a vision

"Live and in Person.." he says sitting himself up on the floor.

We sit there for for a second, sitting opposite each other on the floor.

I jump into his arms, forcing him off his balance  up he wraps his arms around me.

There's so many emotions right now.
Pain. Love.
Relief. Guilt
Broken. Fixed
Fragile. Strong
Weak. Ok.
Sad. Happy

I hold onto him for dear life as he does me. Burying my head in the crook of his neck, taking in all of him - forgetting about everyone else watching us. He holds my hair and I wrap my legs around his hips and I cry. I cry for ages into him letting out everything I've held in for what I thought was 2 years when it was only 3 months.

" You have no idea what i'm Feeling right now." I say still crying

" Happy I hope." He says, unaware of the situation

" Bellamy....We need to get Raven somewhere safe, her leg he shot it pretty bad.." I mutter

He draws a small breath the takes my hair and rubs my back, attempting to calm me.

" It's okay we'll..." he starts but the door bursts open

I push Bellamy onto the floor before it does and he gets what I'm trying to do- he can read my mind so well- I love it.

" Well that's a turn of events." Pike says strolling through the door acting like he's a king

" Your a monster." I say to his face

" No Clarke you did this. Not me." He says before swarms of guards surround us.

" Just kill them all..including Clarke. I'm done with her now." Pike says and then he leaves the room as around 10guards  surround me.

" Well i hope your gonna actually beat me to death and not shoot me because I deserve a better death than that, don't you think??" I ask laughing through the tears pushing my emotions to the back of my head.

They get closer completely unaware of Bellamy's ALIVE presence as as soon as they can't see him he starts to undo everyone handcuffs slowly.

I just need to stall these.

" You are gonna do one at a time right?? Because that's just unfair." I say they look around and laugh.

At least I get a fight- SHIT.

I can't fight with this leg.

Hope people are enjoying this book as much as I'm enjoying writing this😉


And also, I am so happy write now and it's all down you yous. Recently, I reached 1.4k reads on my other book(We do this together). WOWOWOWOWWIDNCNDDIVJDK

Did not think that would happen 😂anyways thank you for everything

( Don't worry this isn't some sort of goodbye )

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