Chapter 3

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      Two days had passed and it was now Friday, the day of the test. When I walked inside of the school, I made my way through the crowd and to the lockers. I began to enter the code to open it and Monica walked up beside me.

"Good morning!" She spoke, surprising me unexpectedly as I turned to her full of excitement. 

"Good morning, Why do you seem so happy?" I was ready to reveal my good news, but opted to allow her to speak first. I wanted to see her face when I revealed what happened the day she went missing.

"Because I am happy!" She said smiling and spinning around before leaning her back against the locked and sliding down. What was she up to?


"Because, I'm in love." She cooed holding her chest and closing her eyes like she was in some kind of pain. Monica could be so dramatic at times, but that's what made her personality so alluring. I gazed in her direction with a confused smile, wondering who this mystery person was before laughing at her theatrics.  

"In love? With who?" 

"Bradley Walker." 

"Bradley Walker? Nerdy Bradley Walker?" I questioned  in surprise. Bradly had to be the only person after me to be least popular.  When and how did this even happen? I didn't even bother to ask her these question, I knew she would be giving me the details by seventh period.

"Yes. He's the key to my heart." 

"Yea, the key to the answers on a test." I joked while slamming my locker shut as Monica laughed following behind me and texting her phone. 

"You ain't right." She was half distracted by whatever she saw on social media as we walked the halls, navigating through the crowds of still lost freshman. I didn't understand what was so hard about finding your class, you went to it everyday.When I looked away, I saw Shawni standing by the lockers across the hall. She nodded her head at me and I smiled and waved. Her lips then mouthed the words come here.

Assuring Monica in a rush, "I'll be right back."  I called, she still wasn't paying attention to me.I approached Shawni who took me into her embrace immediately  as she was standing with a lot of people.

"Wassup?" She greeted hugging me and eyeing my outfit over. It was like she was examining  what she could adjust. She quickly fanned a few strings of hair away from my face.


"You ready for this test?" 

"Yea. What about you?"

"I ain't got no choice but to be ready." She said smirking. "If this don't work, then I might as well just get my G.E.D."

I laughed, before assuring her "Just remember what we studied." 

"C'mon, Let me walk you to your class." She said with a smirk, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. We made our way together, and when I glanced back, Monica had disappeared. Shawni and I continued walking, heading towards my first period class.

As I sat in first period, my mind wandered, appreciating how kind Shawni had been to me. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't even notice the bell ringing, signaling the end of class. I joined the stream of students navigating the crowded halls, making my way to my next period.

The day seemed to be flying by, and before I knew it, it was already 5th period: lunchtime. The bell rang, releasing everyone to grab their lunch. Instead of heading straight to the cafeteria, I swung by my locker to stash my books. With my bag feeling lighter, I set off towards the library, eager for a break from the non-stop work.

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