Chapter 6.

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"You sure you got everything? Toothbrush, your phone, your wallet...oh and did you remember to bring all of the information?!"my mom smothered me in questions.

"Yes, yes, yes and right here," I answered, holding up the folder that was in my hand which had all of the information for the flights.

It was currently Thursday morning. A.k.a the day we were all leaving on to go on our trips. I wasn't able to sleep the whole night. Whether it was because of excitement or nervousness I had no idea. Probably both.

"Alright. Have fun, sweetie. Call us everyday," my mom said and kissed my forehead with her red lips, definitely leaving a lipstick mark that I would wipe off as soon as I step out of the car.

"Bye, mom. Don't worry. I'll be fine."

I smiled at her before opening the car door and stepping outside, wiping the lipstick off my face with the back of my hand. I made my way to the back of the car and got out my suitcase and backpack, before closing the trunk and walking to the passenger window.

I bent down to look at my mom and say 'bye' once more.

"Bye, mom," I told her and waved.

"Bye, Kennedy! Be safe and don't do any of those european drugs! Or any drugs in that case!"

I rolled my eyes and blew her a kiss before turning around and walking through the doors of the airport.

Over my shoulder I watched her drive away, most likely on her way to work.

Taking a breath, I surveyed my surroundings. I recognised a few people from my school, but none that I was close with.

I made my way over to the airline I was traveling with and saw several people from my group already huddled in a corner with all of their luggage. Slowly, I walked over to where they were standing and gave a curt nod as a hello. Then I got out my phone and waited for the long hours to come.


A little over an hour later everyone had been checked in and everyone's bags had been given up.

Even though it was only an hour it had seemed like half an eternity, considering there was no one I could talk to and we weren't allowed to wander off.

But luckily, now that we were at our terminal and just had to wait another hour until we could board, we could roam around freely.

So the first thing I did was go to Starbucks to get a coffee. Duh.

Barely when I walked back to my terminal did I notice Ryder, Isla, Blake and Luke sitting in the one right next to us.

Without thinking twice I walked over to where they were all sitting, each of them buzzing with excitement.

Isla was the first one to notice me. "Kennedy! You're here! Hi!" She stood up from her seat to hug me and I smiled at her.

"Hey guys," I greeted them after she let me go and had sat back down.

"Hi, baby," Ryder said and stood up, giving me a kiss.

"Hey," I said and gave him a bright smile.

"How is everything?" I asked them.

"It's all good. We've just been sitting here for half an hour. And I think it's another 30 minutes until our flight boards so..." Blake replied.

Luke stayed quiet but watched me intently. I smiled at hime and he gave me a soft smile and a wave.

Ryder sat back down and pulled me onto his lap since all the other seats were taken.

"You excited?" he asked me and rested his head on my shoulder.

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