Chapter 7.

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I've been sitting in my seat on the plane for the last ten minutes, watching people stow away their bags and look for their seats.

Luckily, I had a window seat so I was at least able to look out of the window during the flight. The seat next to me was still empty. A part of me was hoping that the seat hadn't been booked and I would get the two seats to myself. But of course the chance of it happening was very slim.

Another ten minutes later the last people had walked through the doors of the plane.

A guy I've seen in the halls at school a couple times sat down in the seat next to me. He smiled at me and I smiled a tired smile to be nice but then turned my head away and plugged my headphones into my phone so that I could listen to some music because I did not feel like striking up a conversation.

Leaning my head on my hand, I stared out of the window and watched bags getting stowed into other airplanes.

I wonder where the people in that plane were going.

Were they also left out? Were they going somewhere all alone?

Okay...I need to snap out of it.

I sighed a deep sigh and unlocked my phone, going on instagram. Isla had posted a picture of the window of the plane. Outside was a blue sky and fluffy clouds. Her caption read 'On my way to France, it's gonna be amazing'.

Another somewhat close friend posted a picture of himself on the plane with a few people from school sitting in their seats in the background.

My eyes immediately landed on Ryder, who wasn't taking action in the picture but leaning his head on his hand and staring out the window like I had just seconds ago.

My heart dropped at the sight.

He was obviously hurt. Who wouldn't be. If he could just let me explain...

Ugh! Why did everything have to be so complicated?!

I turned off my phone and dropped my face into my hands, groaning quietly in frustration.

The start to these three weeks turned out worse then I expected it to.


We were standing in the lobby of the hotel.

The flight was over sooner than expected. Probably because I had spent most of it sleeping. Which, from what I've heard, I was glad about. Apparently some couple got caught in the bathroom making out by some teachers. Unlucky for them we got the really strict ones to accompany us on the trip. Let's just say things didn't go down smoothly.

Right now we were waiting to get the keys for our rooms. I was rooming with a girl I've seen in the halls but never spoke to. From what I could tell she was really loud and somewhat obnoxious. She was currently standing next to me in 3 inch heels, big hoop earrings and gum in her mouth which she chewed rather loudly. She was texting on her phone and smacking on her gum.

I was about two seconds away from ripping the piece of gum out of her mouth and smashing it on her bedazzled phone. At least she was wearing full length jeans and a top that went to her waist.

I think her name was Jennifer or something but I wasn't too sure. Neither did I plan on finding out her name or anything else for that matter.

After we got our keys we made our way to our room and settled in.

And by 'settled in' I mean she walked out of the room without saying anything after setting down her suitcases and I jumped onto my bed face first.

Wanting to know what the others were up to, I tried to call Isla.

The call however went to voicemail so I hung up. I thought about whether I should call Ryder or not.

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