Chapter 17.

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"I'm starting to get the feeling that the universe doesn't want me here after all," I spoke, as we walked back up to out rooms, this time choosing to use the stairs.

"Just the universe?" Blake mumbled from in front of me and I sped up to hit him on the back of the head but Ryder held me back, keeping his arm tight around me to prevent Blake from receiving any injuries. 

So instead, I chose just to glare at the back of his head, that was, in my imagination, slowly melting away so that his brain fell out and I could step on it.

But, yeah, as you can probably tell, we successfully got out of the elevator.


So by now, we were all sweaty, tired and totally fed up with one another.

It's true what they say. You truly don't really know someone unless you spend two hours with them in a confined space with no sign of escaping.

Half an hour into the whole debacle, we were all still sort of laughing at the situation we had found ourselves in. But an hour in, and the nightmare began.

Isla had gone back to imagining the worst case scenarios like the elevator dropping back down to the ground which would result in all of us dying or that the oxygen would soon be gone which would also result in us dying. 

Her scenarios tend to usually end like that. I feel like I should ask her about that sometime in the near future.

Blake, trying to be the comedic relief of the situation tried to get everyone to laugh by, god knows why, trying to tap dance. Three steps in and he tripped. And fell down. Hard. On top of me. 

So by then I was even more annoyed and started yelling at Blake, joining Ryder who was shouting at the operators he was communicating with to get us out of here. 

Thankfully, even though it did take a while, the technicians were able to get the elevator to work again and get us out of there.

And as nice as it was getting to breathe fresh air again, I could have really done without the face that was the first to greet us.

As soon as the doors had opened, Blake, who was laying on the floor with his eyes closed looked up, full of hope. 

"Are we finally free?" he had asked.

But then he saw Mr. Stevens scowling at us and groaned, placing his head back on the floor. 

"You know what? Ryder, could you do me a favour and just close the doors again?"

"Nice try. Now come on, I wanna have a word with you four," Mr. Stevens spoke, his face pinched together like he was smelling something bad. Which might have just been us after being stuck in a small, enclosed metal box for two hours.

"Please, Ryder," Blake pleaded, still laying on the floor. "I'm begging you."

After a lecture about how none of this would have happened if we had stayed in our rooms like we were suppose to, we were free to go and pack up our stuff.

"Mr. Stevens is right," Isla started to say.

"Don't ever say that," Blake interrupted her but she shut him up with a look.

"Had we gone to the museum, would we have been back sooner, thus making someone else get caught in the elevator, not us," Isla grumbled and this time it was my turn to hold Ryder back who was now glaring daggers at Isla.

Once we got to our room, we said goodbye to the boys before going in, where I dropped onto my bed in exhaustion.

"This trip is too much for me," I complained, not being able to endure anymore of anything.


"Goooood morning!" a cheery voice called, ripping me out of sleepy daze.

I turned around, my third cup of coffee clutched in my hand to see Ryder and Blake walking towards us with their bags.

I yawned as a greeting.

"How did you guys sleep?" Ryder asked me as he kissed my cheek, a still half-asleep Blake coming to stand next to him.

Just then, Isla came back from the breakfast tables with a steaming cup of tea in her hands, dark circles under her eyes, her usually done hair in a messy top-knot and bare face.

"Yikes," was all Ryder said.

You could tell just how tired Isla was, by the fact that instead of coming up with a snarky comeback, she just shot him a glare and sipped her tea.

"Alright, everyone! Be quiet while I count if everyone is here!" Mr. Stevens' voice rang through the lobby, even though most of the noise was coming from the filter of the fish tank next to us.

After counting through two more times, Mr. Stevens finally seemed satisfied with the number and told us to go outside and get into the shuttles.

"You think he counted so many times because he was trying to convince himself that we were less people  than we actually are?" Blake wondered out loud as he climbed into the shuttle.

I shrugged. "I wouldn't put it past him."

Once everyone had gotten into their seat and the bags had been stowed away, the driver started the shuttle and left the driveway of the hotel.

I slid down in my seat and rested my head against Ryder's shoulder, who kissed the top of my head softly before I drifted off into sleep again.


"Just get the damn bagel and be done with it," I complained, rolling my eyes while my stomach grumbled in hunger. "We're gonna miss the flight because of you."

Blake, who was deciding between a breakfast bagel and a breakfast burrito, spared me a mean glance but nothing more as his attention stayed on the menu.

I groaned again and dropped my forehead onto the wall next to me, choosing to just stay in that position. 

"You know what? I'll just get both. You only live once, right?" I heard Blake say and looked up to see him smiling at the cashier as he payed for his breakfast.

I stood back up and slowly walked towards him. "It took you 10 minutes to decide that you'll just get both?" I spoke through clenched teeth.

Ryder, who was coming back from getting a coffee, must have seen the murder in my overly-tired eyes and wrapped an arm around my waist, standing between Blake and I.

"Ryder, I don't want to alarm you," Blake spoke as he was handed his food, "but your girlfriend might murder me one day. So just incase I randomly turn up dead, just know that she's to blame," he said and nodded in my direction before winking at me and walking off.

I stuck my tongue out after Blake and Ryder just chuckled.

After Ryder made sure that I got my food as to not be so grumpy for the rest of the day, we walked back to our gate where the rest of the seniors were sitting.

"What's up?" Ryder asked as he saw the grimace on Blake's face.

Deciding that he would just keep on scowling, Isla chose to speak for Blake. 

"He's just mad that his breakfast tastes bad," she said and patted his head teasingly.

"Serves you right," I smirked as I sat across from them, Ryder coming to sit down next to me. 

"Serves you right," Blake mocked me, scowling even more.

I was about to mock him back again when I was interrupted by a lady's voice over the speakers.

"We will now begin boarding for flight 482 to Paris, France. Would all passengers in zone 1 please check in at this time."


Sorry it's so short but at least I'm back!!!!  I now I've been gone for like an entire eternity and I feel so bad!! But I'm finally planning on continuing my stories again. Expect updates and a new book very soon!! :)

Love you all so much!!!

Love, Emili 

(P.S. Spelling and grammar mistakes are highly likely because I was in a rush to get this up. Hehe)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2018 ⏰

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