Chapter 15.

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"God damn, he tells us to be here in 20 minutes and then he's late himself," I mentioned and rolled my eyes, regarding to Mr. Stevens' earlier command and how he was the one that was late, not us.

"Maybe he's preparing the activities we have today," Isla suggested, trying to stay positive like she almost always is.


Just then, Mr. Stevens walked into the lobby, 8 minutes late, where we were all gathered.

"Quiet, everyone!" he called out.

Everybody tried to quiet down as best as they could, but a few snorts and giggles escaped here and there.

Mr. Stevens had tried to wash off everything on his face, although it only worked half-way. The color on his face was still faint. He had obviously spent the last 28 minutes trying to wash off the stuff on his face again.

He waited with pursed lips and narrowed eyes for everyone to shut up.

"Now," he spoke when everyone was silent. "There have been the trip that will lead to some changes. As it turns out, we will not be going to Caen after all."

A bunch of 'Boo's came from everyone as we received the news.

" Instead, we will be spending two weeks in Paris," Mr. Stevens went on.

Then, everybody started clapping and cheering.

"We were able to change the tickets and will be leaving tomorrow. Since we have to leave early in the morning, today's plans will be cancelled. Everyone needs to pack and get ready to leave. If anyone has any questions, wait until tomorrow so that you can ask the other teachers. Alright? Thanks."

And with that, he walked out of the room.

"Well," I said and stood up from my position on the chair they had in the lobby. "Looks like we're not going anywhere today after all."

Ryder, Isla and Blake followed me up the stairs because there were too many people waiting for the elevator.

"This sucks," Isla complained, "I was so excited about visiting all those historical buildings."

"Another time," I comforted and patted her head teasingly.

She sent me a look and rolled her eyes, telling me I was the only one who found it funny.


"Hey, guys!" a loud voice called and the door to our room banged open.

Isla and I both jumped at the loud sounds, making her drop the shirt she was folding, and me almost dropping my phone into the glass of water that was standing below it on the desk.

"Jeez," Isla spoke breathlessly, her hand on top of her heart.

Blake and Ryder walked into our room as if it was their own.

"Everyone decent?" Ryder spoke, a smirk on his face, matching the one on Blake's face.

"How about asking that before you burst into out room?" I sarcastically replied and set down my phone to prevent any further incidents. " And how did you get in here anyway?"

"I never reveal my secrets," Blake mentioned and walked over to Isla while Ryder came up to me.

"You guys done packing already?" I asked him and put the rest of my clothes in my bags.

He shrugged. "I guess we're just fast packers."

"Or, you guy just threw everything into your bags and that was that," Isla commented while zipping her suitcase.

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