Silver Chapter Seven

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So sorry that last one was so short. Looked so much longer on my phone then it did on my laptop. Now on to the story!

The school is a grand palace like thing with graceful towers and spires. All made of smooth, polished stone with crystal for the windows.  People whisper about the tall girl standing next to the princess, all the while I keep my face blank and a hand on Zoey's waist. She doesn't seem to mind in the slightest. Finally we get to the double oak doors where the Headmaster waits.

Headmaster Robert Parker is a tall, thin man with watery green eyes and a trimmed beard. He looks at us all with a wide smile and kind eyes. I study him, after all this man has been informed of my situation.  I'm brought from my thoughts as he begins to speak.

"Welcome to another year at LaBella! For those of you returning please go inside and take your seats. Dinner will begin shortly."  His voice is soft and rich.

From what I gathered from Zoey  the school only teaches those from ten years of age to those of nineteen.  There is another school where kids go from ages five to nine, that is where her brother is currently attending.

Zoey takes her seat after I pull her chair out for her, gentleman to the core, I notice many strange and jealous looks as I take my place next to her. With a smirk I note Churchill glaring at me the most. More whispering and dirty looks when she actually talks and smiles at me. Her friends have decided that dinner is the time to question me.

"So Silver was it? How do you know Zoey?"  One asks.

Another asks, "Whats up with your eyes?"

"Are you her girlfriend?" This was met by a sharp cry of the girl's name, Amy, from my charge.  

With a small chuckle I hold my hand up for silence, which happens instantly. I look at each of the girls hard, studying them. I want to see if they are truly concerned about me being around their friend or if they just want gossip. Plus watching them squirm and fidget is a bonus. When I deem them sincere I sigh and nod.

"Fine I'll tell you girls some things, but let me warn you this does not leave the group. Trust me you won't like what I do if that happens." At their nods, I continue. "The easiest one to answer is no,  I am not her partner, the other is my eyes are naturally violet I was born with them. This last one is a bit harder, I met her Majesty this summer when her and the Queen visited my villa in Italy. That's all you need to know."

The girls boo as I leave out the best details, but Zoey smirks at the majesty part. With a roll of my eyes I finish the rare steak and mashed potatoes. After desert the Headmaster stood up and gave a welcoming speech. When it was over we were dismissed to bed. Once again I keep hold of Zoey's waist, once again I tell myself it's for her safety. As I crawl into her bed that night there is just one thought going through my mind.

I think this year is going to be rather enjoyable.

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