Silver Chapter Fourteen

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A/N I found my laptop! Updates will be more frequent and better written now. Now on to the story.

It was finally here. The night of the Yule Ball, the night I get to dance with Zoey and not feel guilty. I was dressed in form fitting black slacks and a silk, deep purple dress shirt. On my feet are black leather boots. Pinned on the lapel of the shirt is a ruby red rose that matches the corsage that I got for the Princess. The purple will match her dress. Finishing with the cleaning up I head down stairs to await my date. When she comes down the steps clothed in a dark purple, satin, floor length gown...I about lose my mind. I do lose my ability to breath.

"Miss Stark you are breath taking. I can't wait to show you off tonight." My voice is an octave or two higher then normal given my surprise.

"Why thank you, Silver. That's very kind of you to say." She offers me her hand. "Shall we head to the ball?"

Nodding my head I take her hand, placing it in the crook of my arm, and lead us to the Grand Hall. Most of the hall stops and stares. I have to admit we do cut an imposing figure. With a low growl I lead her to the table, pulling her chair out. Most women give me an appraising look while the boys glare jealously.  Zoey smiles at me and orders a salad with baked chicken on the side. I order a near raw steak and french fries. Smirking at the looks my dinner receives, I tear into it. The Princess just rolls her eyes. A pretty girl sits beside her and they strike up a conversation.

"I'm going to zone out and keep an eye out for trouble, tap my arm to reach me, alright?"

She looks up and nods before going back to her conversation. I place a hand on her thigh and squeeze lightly, she jumps sending me a glare. I zone letting my powers run wild as my hand slide up her thigh. She shivers as my eyes glow slightly looking for anything that shouldn't be here. My hand comes into contact with silk and I gulp knowing it's her panties. She's near panting as I move my hand back down. A tap on my shoulder brings me from the supernatural haze. 

I look up at her. "Yes?" I ask in English.

She ignores my slip and rolls her eyes. "The music is playing, it's time to dance." 

I gulp, the band is playing I'll Be, a slow love song. With a nervous sigh i stand and offer her my hand. "Shall we dance, your Majesty?"  She nods and takes my hand. "We shall, Silver."

A/N Next up is dancing and revelations. 

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