Silver Chapter 10

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All Hallow's Eve dawns bright and cold. If I didn't hate this day so much it might actually be beautiful. Oh well. Putting in my ear buds I zone out on the weights, ignoring the world around me. Well until a certain princess throws a pillow at my head. 

With a sigh I put down the barbell and turn off the music. Rasing a brow I sigh.

"Yes?" That's when I notice all her room mates staring at my scantly clad, muscled up, scar covered body. "Oh," I blush slightly and pull on a T-shirt. If I'm not hearing things, I think I hear Zoey sigh in disappointment. I tell myself it was because I'm not doing something right. 

After getting dressed I wait on the bed for my charge to finish getting ready. When she is, I grab her hip and we head out. Class was boring that day but the evening is what we are really looking forward to.  The day has arrived to leave for the school function.

Joy. New people to protect the mouthy girl from.  We board the train, me holding the door of our compartment open for her. My mother raised me well after all. Her friends chatter away while II pretend to sleep. 

Half way there the door bangs open. I stay still expecting Churchill. The voice that sounds is deffinatly not his. 

{Don't get to comfortable *your Majesty* who knows they may decide a half blood like you doesn't belong. If it were up to me you wouldn't be going at all.} A very female voice sounds. 

{Oh? I intend to show up and win.} Zoey speaks up.  

The girl says some very nasty things before she crosses the line. 

{What's the matter? Couldn't get a girl so you hire this slut? Girl all you had to do was give in to Russle, even though your not good enough for him.} 

That pissed me off. With a low growl I stand up and grab her hair. Slapping her across the face I toss her out of the compartment. Then I look back at Zoey.

"Why must I always fight on the train?"

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