Chapter 4 - New Friends

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Frankie and I arrive at Amy's school early today so we can get our visitor badges before we go to her classroom. While in the office, the secretary at the front desk asks our names. When I give her mine, she gets a big smile on her face, "You're the one who handled the vultures yesterday."


"Those ladies who were trying to get their claws into that hunk of man that was hiding behind you yesterday afternoon. You became a legend in about twenty minutes," she leans forward and whispers, "If you need anything. Anything, let me know."

"Thanks," I guess I made a fan. Frankie is looking at me with a smile on her face.

We walk into the classroom and Amy jumps up and runs to us, "Mommy! Frankie! I'm so glad that you're here!" We both give her a big hug and send her back to where she was sitting before we walked inside the room.

Ms. Snow pulls us to the side and gives us instruction on what we are supposed to do. We spend the next hour and a half reading to the kids, painting with the kids and helping the kids clean up. By the time the bell rings, I'm worn out. Frankie looks tired also. She couldn't keep the kids hands off of her purple tips. She says that she's going to braid her hair and pull it up into a ball on top of her head tomorrow. I laugh.

After we help the children collect their things and have them to line up, the bell rings and we take them outside. I make sure that Frankie and I have all of our things, before we leave. I did get to meet Amy's friend, Megyn. It seems that the vultures were having their children try to make friends with her. She told them that Amy is already her best friend, but she will still play with them sometimes. She is a very diplomatic child.

When we walk outside, all of the children run to their parents. I watch Megyn as she runs to Solomon. I feel a small smile on my lips, I guess that I'll be seeing more of him. There is another guy standing with him, who has black hair. He's the same height as Solomon and just as sexy.

"Is that him?" Frankie asks quietly. I nod. "I see." We walk further into the schoolyard towards the parking lot when they approach us.

"Hey Ronnie. How are you today?" He seems a bit nervous.

"I'm fine. Just a little tired from running after the kids this afternoon, but fine none the less. How are you?" I ask.

"I'm good. This is my friend, Greyson," He introduces.

"Hi Greyson," I reach across and shake his hand. I pull back quickly, because of the shock that I feel, "This is my sister-in-law, Frankie."

They both say hello and he says, "I see our girls have decided to be best friends. I'm glad that she didn't make friends with one of those women's kids." He shudders.

I laugh, "I'm sure that's a good thing."

He takes a deep breath, like he wants to say something else, Frankie touches my arm and looks at Greyson, "Hey Greyson, what kind of car do you drive?" She leads him and the girls away from the both of us, asking him questions and holding a conversation with him. I know that if my brothers were here, they would be having a mini-fit. Thank God for small miracles.

"Would you like to go out to dinner with me?" He says quickly.

"When?" I ask.

"Friday? If that works for you," he responds.

"I would really like to go out to dinner with you, but I have no one to watch Amy because Frankie has a seminar every evening this week and then she and her husbands are going out of town this weekend. Maybe next week?" I suggest.

Love Makes Us One (Part 2 of Four Makes One) Ronnie's Story(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now