Chapter 17 - Okay...

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I wake by degrees.  Sol's chest is moving under my head and Tyler is spooning me from behind, our legs tangled.  Small giggles erupt beside the bed.  Opening my eyes, I see our girls looking at us expectantly.

"Morning," I mumble, "What are you doing in here?"

"We couldn't wait to see how daddy is doing." Meg says. I lift my head and her small face looks worried.

I start to sit up and realize that I have not one stitch of clothing on and lay back down, covering myself up. A t-shirt lands on my head and I gratefully put it on, before giving Tyler a playful glare as he gets out of the bed and goes into the bathroom. I turn back to the girls and invite them up on the bed with us.

I scoot over so they can both sit on either side of me, Meg closest to her dad, "He's doing fine. He just broke his leg."

"Is there a cast on it?" She asks.

I pull back his covers since I know that he has clothes on and show her the cast. Both of them look over at his leg. "Can we draw on it?" Amy asks.

"No," Solomon grumbles.

"Why not? We heard that when you get a cast, you can draw on it. Bobby Newman in our class had a cast and we drew on it," Meg reasons.

"Bobby Newman doesn't have a job and I will not have you putting pink flowers on my cast," he argues.

"We didn't put pink flowers on his cast. We put our initials and a picture of a truck on it. Ohhh! We can put a picture of a dump truck on yours. You'll like that," Meg faces him completely and gets on her knees. She starts to bounce, but I stop her, so she doesn't jostle her dad. I'm laughing at him trying to tell two little girls that they can't do something.

"I'm still going to say 'no' for now, but how about I let you two draw on it as much as you want the day before I have it removed permanently," he compromises.

"Okay," Meg agrees quickly like she's scared he's going to change his mind. Her face turns serious, "You're really going to be alright daddy?"

He slides an arm around her, pulling her down into his chest, "I'll be alright. I feel better already." He kisses her on the top of her head reassuringly.

"Okay girls, go on downstairs with your grandparents and we'll be down as soon as we get dressed," I shoo them out of the bed and they walk out of the room.

I look down at my man and he sits up gazing back at me. His arm reaches out, pulling me to him, "Are you feeling better. They told me that you were taking care of me yesterday."

I reach up brushing my lips against his briefly before pulling back, "I was so worried about you. I'm doing fine. You're the patient here, how are you doing?"

His hand brushes lightly along my cheek, "I'm doing a lot better now. I'm really glad you all arrived when you did. I really didn't want to take a cab home."

"I'm not going to yell at you now. The guys will help you get dressed and then we'll all go downstairs for breakfast and talk then." I brush his hair out of his eyes as he nods.

Tyler and Grey come around to his side of the bed and help him out of it. When I stand up, they both kiss me quickly before making their way into the bathroom. I grab a few things and use Amy's bathroom in her bedroom to wash and get ready. When I walk back into our bedroom, Solomon is dressed and sitting on the couch. I notice that the bed is made. I walk over to him and sit down beside him.

Love Makes Us One (Part 2 of Four Makes One) Ronnie's Story(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now