Chapter 22 - So...It's My Birthday

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I get up with Sol and Tyler this morning so I can send off all of the paperwork. After I finish, Grey takes me back up to bed and pulls me close, holding me tight, "Go back to sleep. I'm here with you."

"Do you have to work today?"

"I don't go in until later today. We wanted one of us to be here with you for a while this morning."

I nod into his shoulders and fall back asleep.

I wake again to the smell of coffee. "Mocha?"

"Your favorite. Sit up." I sit up in the bed and he fluffs the pillows behind me before handing me the cup. I take a sip of the chocolaty goodness and my eyes roll into the back of my head.

"Mmm. You went to the good place."

He kisses me on my forehead, "I did. You deserve it after the day that you had yesterday. How are you feeling?"

"A lot better. Thank you all for last night. I wouldn't have been able to handle a question and answer session then." I take another sip of this delectable brew.

"The way that you looked when you walked in the door last night, I wanted to go and kick his ass for you. At least he'll finally pay for his transgressions."

"I know and I'm glad. Maybe with him put away, I won't ever have to deal with him anymore. This girl was adamant that she not press charges against him. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to tell her my story, but it was the only way to get through to her. On top of that, I had to tell her that it was him, the same man who got her pregnant. It was hard."

"I know Babe, but you don't have to go through this alone. We're here for you. I'm here for you." He takes the now empty cup away from me, "Get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs. Tyler sent some lunch for you."

"What time is it?" I move from under the covers.

"Two p.m."

I jump out of the bed and run into the bathroom, "Why did you let me sleep so late?"

He appears at the door of the bathroom, "You needed the downtime after the night that you had. Manuel told us that you had the day off today, so we decided that you should relax. Since you slept until now, it kind of proves it. If you didn't need it, you wouldn't have slept so long."

I finish my routine and get dressed. He grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen and sits me down in front of my food. He keeps me company while I eat and discards the paper plates after.

"I'm going into work now. Frankie is picking up the girls today and will bring them to see you for a little while and then she'll take them for the night again. Sol will be here shortly after to take you to dinner. Tyler has to work late, so he won't be home until later tonight. I'll be working late tonight also, but I won't be too late coming home." I nod and walk him to the door. He kisses me and leaves.

I decide to do just what my men want me to do. I pour myself a glass of wine and open a book. I read until I hear Frankie and the girls come in the door.

"Mommy! Are you okay?" Amy's little arms go around my neck, hugging me to her.

"I'm fine pumpkin. Just a little tired. How was school today?" I pull Meg into our hug and she holds on tight also. I listen and enjoy them tell me about their day. I insert a few questions and they happily answer them. After a little while, Frankie sends them upstairs to do their homework before she takes them with her.

She sits beside me and takes my hand, "I know you've been asked this a few times today, but are you okay?"

"I'm better. The guys made sure I relaxed and I slept until about an hour and a half ago. Dealing with him is draining. I just need him in jail and out of my life permanently."

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