Chapter 14 - A Blast From the Past

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The next three weeks fly by and before we know it, Christmas time has come. I was able to get Frankie out and get our Christmas shopping done without incident. So she and I have all of our shopping and wrapping of gifts done.

She gave me some really good suggestions of what to get for my men since she's done it a few times for my brother's. I also have to get gifts for their parents since all of them will be down for the holiday.

We are doing dinner the same way that we did Thanksgiving. Tyler has closed the restaurant for the week and we'll have family dinner there on Christmas. He and Frankie will be co-cooking the dinner again like they did on Thanksgiving.

After a long discussion, Frankie decides to invite our parents and only our parents since our grandfather's will be here and it can be set up as a meet the parent's sort of thing. I don't know if we're at the point yet, since we've only been together for a month, but they've already met mine. It's time for me to meet theirs.

This time with them has been great and I'm falling more in love with them each day. I never thought I would have a man love and take care of me like my brother's do with Frankie, but I have three of them. I've never felt so loved and cherished.

Of course, Amy is over the moon because she spends almost every night with her best friend and they are starting to call each other sister. She's also feels like that she has three dads, which kind of worries me because we've only been together a month. What happens if they decide that they don't want me anymore? It would destroy her as much as it would me.

Amy and I are shopping for the gift that she wants to get Meg. We've been to almost every store in the mall and she hasn't found anything that she feels is a good enough gift for her. We find something for her teacher pretty quickly. Finally, we stop at the food court and get something to eat. We sit down and while we are eating our food, I ask Amy, "Do you know what you want to get Meg?"

In her five year old matter-of-fact way she tells me, "Something that says, 'sister'."

"Why do you want to get her that? Don't you say that you're sisters already?" I put a french fry in my mouth.

"We do, but I need something that holds us together," she explains.

Now I understand. She's trying to cement their bond. "I can help you with that but you should know that your bond is already cemented in your heart. Do you feel like she's your sister in here?" I point my finger at her chest.

She nods, "I do."

"Then it doesn't matter. What you feel in your heart means more than anything else," I graze her cheek with my fingers.

"But what if you don't marry her dad? She won't become my sister that way. If we are away from each other, how will we still know?" Like I always say, my child is far more intelligent than anyone can imagine.

"I understand what you are saying and I have an idea," I see the excitement in her eyes when I tell her that. We finish eating and get our things together, ready to leave the food court so I can take her to the nearest jewelry store when I spot him. I would recognize that profile anywhere. He's standing, talking to someone. I turn my back to him, hiding Amy. I hurriedly scoot her out of the food court and out to the car.

"Why are we leaving? I thought you were going to take me to get Megyn's gift inside of the mall," she asks.

I quickly get her buckled in and run around to the driver's side and get inside hurriedly. I close and lock all of the doors, happy that my windows are tinted. I still look around, making sure that no one has come after me and starting the car and looking both ways, before pulling out of the parking spot and the mall as quickly as I can. Only when I'm on the road and see that no one is following me, before I register Amy talking to me.

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