Chapter 3 - Volunteering

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After I finish working for the day, I leave to pick up Amy from school. On the way there, I think about Solomon. He may be married, so I will definitely have to keep my distance. But I can't stop thinking about those gorgeous green eyes and that tousled brown hair. I shake my head. I can't think about him like that. I don't even know him. I pull up into the school and find a parking space. Once I get out of the car, I walk over to where all of the other Kindergarten parents are waiting.

I feel someone come up beside me, and I already know that it's Solomon. I turn to him, "Hi." I know, lame.

"Hey, how was work today?" He inquires.

"The usual. How about yourself?"

"Good. Accomplished a lot." He says vaguely. So much for small talk. I notice a couple of the moms looking at him. Their eyes have hunger in them and I immediately want to warn them off. I try to shake it off as they make their way over to us. When they stop in front of Solomon, I feel him move closer to me. I touch his hand in reassurance.

"Hello, we haven't seen you around here before," a blond bimbo purrs. Because this is a school and not a club, ho.

"Do you have kids in this school?" the red headed one reaches to run her finger down his arm and I feel him jerk back from her, moving closer to me. No, he just likes hanging around schools with small kids you idiot.

A third one comes hurrying over, "I'm Samantha," when he doesn't say anything, she prompts him, "and your name?" They have all completely ignored me up to this point.

"I'm Solomon," he shoves me in front of him, "and this is Ronnie." They all look at me like they just noticed that I was there. Shocking.

The blond recovers first, "I'm Beth and this is Rebecca," she nods in her direction, "Is this your wife?"

"Uh-" he stammers, his hands tightening on my shoulders.

"No we're not, just really good friends. How many children do you have in this school?" I ask.

Beth frowns, "I have three. Seth is in fifth grade, Marie is in third and my youngest Andy is in the kindergarten.

"What does your husband do for a living?" I ask.

She swallows a couple of times before she answers, "He's the Regional Manager for the Safeway stores in the area. She seems to shrink inside of herself a little.

Rebecca steps up next, more confident, "I have two children here, Mason is in fifth grade and Molly is in Kindergarten. I'm not married.

"Oh really, how long have you been divorced?" I ask.

She glares at me, "About six months. It just didn't work out."

"I'm sorry. How long were you married?"

"Ten years," she mumbles. I start to feel Solomon's hands relax some on my shoulders.

"Do you work?" I ask.

"I don't," she glares at me.

I give her concerned eyes, "How do you support yourself? If you need a job, I can help you." She glares at me even harder.

"Are you married?" Samantha says triumphantly.

"I'm not and never have been. I have one daughter in Kindergarten and I'm counsel for my law firm." I tell them honestly. The Grandfathers did give me five-percent of the firm when they retired.

Love Makes Us One (Part 2 of Four Makes One) Ronnie's Story(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now