Chapter 10 - Love RH Style

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Before I know it, Friday has arrived. Amy is happy to be out of school for the week and is planning every day with Meg. I've hardly seen the guys all week due to them having to wrap up last minute work details so they can take next week off. We did make a plan to spend a couple of hours at the homeless shelter serving food on Thanksgiving. Frankie and the guys are going to join us. I spoke with Manuel and Angel who are coming to stay with Amy and me for the holiday. They are going to join us at the shelter also.

Amy, Meg and I spend the weekend preparing for our visitors and cooking a couple of food items that Frankie has assigned us. Since the guys are going to join us this year, she and Tyler have coordinated on all of the food items. Tyler first insisted that he cook the whole meal, but Frankie argued because she started her tradition with us when she first came to live with us. Tyler talks her into having the gathering at his restaurant and they'll both cook all of the food in the restaurants kitchen, since there's going to be so many people coming.

I ask Greyson if their families are coming for Thanksgiving and he tells me that they won't be down until Christmas. If our families decide to come on Christmas also, we'll definitely have to use the restaurant, because there will certainly be enough people to fill it.

Frankie told me to be prepared because the family is bringing someone to try to fix me up with. I can't even think about anyone else, but my three guys. I can't pick and I will make sure that one of them is with me at all times. I don't want to have to punch anyone out this holiday. Frankie and I have been taking self-defense classes, which turned into some MMA training. I would love to use it on someone if needed. I know that they won't try too hard because if Frankie goes to the Grandpa's, they will cut their shares even smaller.

Amy, Meg and I also spend the weekend finishing decorating Meg's room. Where Amy's room is maroon and gray, Megyn's room is purple and yellow with some black accents. She loves butterflies, so we put a butterfly border around her wall and bought her a butterfly cover for her bed. Her bedroom furniture is white, so we put a butterfly emblem on one of her drawers. She loves her room.

We spend the rest of the weekend relaxing on the back porch watching the ocean. Although it's still kind of warm, it's too cool to play on the beach, so we drink our hot chocolate and sit back with our jackets on enjoying the scenery. The girls get bored after a couple of hours and ask me to put in a movie for them. We sit in the den while they watch a movie and I read a book.

Monday, I get everyone up and dressed because we have to finish preparing for Manuel and Angel's arrival. Around noon, Frankie comes over and takes the girls. When I ask why, she tells me that the guys asked her to take them for a while because they want to talk to me. I'm kind of nervous. I hope they're not telling me that they don't want to be around me anymore. I don't know what I would do without them. I get a text from Solomon telling me they will be over at three. I make some snacks and drinks, setting them on the table in preparation. I can't wait to see them because, I feel like I haven't seen them all week.

My nerves spike when the doorbell rings and I answer it to all three of them on the other side. I open the door wider in invitation and they all walk inside. I feel each of their hands touching me as they walk by, but no hugs like they normally do. I lead them into the den where we all take a seat.

I take a sip of my drink when Solomon starts, "First of all, what we want to talk to you about isn't bad, so don't look so nervous." He graces me with a smile which makes me relax a little. They also look a little nervous also which keeps me on edge just a little.

Tyler leans forward and grasps my hand, "Since the first day we met you all three of us have been interested in you. We thought that we would all spend time with you and eventually, you would be with one of us."

Love Makes Us One (Part 2 of Four Makes One) Ronnie's Story(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now