Chapter 3:Girls Day Gone Good?

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Not much today for the author....😢

I know I'm a jerk
I don't mean to be though....

∆(Y/N)'s POV∆

I was laying on the bed with Marcos phone in hand,I was looking threw his pictures. I don't like him,like as a boyfriend, I like him as a friend, and as his friend, I'm looking threw his pictures,besides I ship him and Gina, go MarNa!

'Badge unicorns flying threw the sk-'

"Yelo, (Y/N) Butterfly, answering Marco Diaz's phone
,what can I do for you?"
I answered .

"Oh!Hey (Y/N),its Gina,I was wondering if you and Star wanted to have a girls day out?"

"I'll ask," I lowered the phone placing my hand over the speaker,"STAR!!!DO YOU WANNA HANG WITH GINA TODAY?!?!"
I asked,and Star replied with:


I put the phone back up to my ear once more,
"Star is up for it .What time you wanna meet,and where?"

"Hmm,in whenever you can, at my place,"
Gina responded.

"See ya in a minute~,"
"Bye home fry"

I hung up the phone and grabbed my milk carton looking bag.
I walked down the stairs to see Star waiting for me.

I asked.


We walked outside,as Star took out the dimensional scissors, we stopped at the last step as Star cut out a portal,we walked in,I came out to the same fire like house like the one I've been to so many times before.

"Hey (Y/N),Star,what are you guys doing here?"
I noticed Tom had walked in.

"Oh hey Tom ,Gina,Star,and I are going on a girls night out!!"
I said raising my hands in the air.

"Oh,Gina will be out soon,"
Tom walked away leaving me with Star in his,...' Torchur chamber'?

"Hey girls,Ready?"
Gina walked out with a pretty awesome bag,

"Hey girls,Ready?"Gina walked out with a pretty awesome bag,

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"Cool bag,"
Said Star.

"Thanks,do you guys watch it?"

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