Chapter 19: Waiting

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Not much to say today.
But next chapter is the last one of the book!!!!

Than they're will be a wait,until book 2!!!

Hope you

∆(Y/N)'s POV∆

Its been a little over three hours,since we got here,and Gina still in the delivery room.

Oscar and Star,fell asleep in the waiting room sofa,Mom and Dad,are talking about the kingdom,Tom's parents are sitting in silence, his Mom has her hands folded together, while her husband's hand is on her back,Tom is pacing back and forth, while I am sitting,having a requiring pain,every now and than.

Mrs.Soul was in the chair next to mine.

'I wonder his Gina is doing'
I was brought back to the real world,when a really bad spike of pain shot threw me.

I winced quietly, hoping no one would notice, no one did,except for Mrs.Soul that is.

She looked up from the ground,and at me,with a worried expression plastered on her face.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?"
She asks in a whisper.

I nod and answer with:
"Ya,...its just the baby,"
I place my hand on my stomach, hoping to calm the kid down.

She gives me an excited yet,worried look.

"How long has that been going on?"
She asks.

I take a moment to think.

"About an hour and a half,"

"(Y/N)...umm I think your about to have a baby,"

I looked at her in disbelief.

"The baby isn't suppose to come for two more weeks though,"

"Tom,was born four weeks when he was suppose to,so it is possible,"
I looked down,to be honest I was nervous.
"Besides you are having the symptoms,"

"So what do I d-"
I was cut off by another sharp pain.
But this one made me hold my stomach, with tears in my eyes.

Mrs.Soul says.

Tom was still pacing looking down at the floor when he answered:
"Yes Mom?"

"Marco isn't the only one having a baby today,"

"What do you mea-(Y/N)!?!"
Tom looked up and saw me,he ran over, bushing the hair out of my face and behind my ear.

Mrs.Soul calls out.

A lady sees us and brings over a wheel chair.

I look up at Tom, he smiles and says:
"You'll be okay, I promise,"

I smile as he picks me up bridal style and places me in the wheel chair.

Tom followed the nurse to a room,I tried to pay attention, but the pain was so bad it was hard to think straight.

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