Chapter 18: Parttttyyyyy~

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Here is the party I am still continuing to edit the stories above!

Also we only have two chapters left until book 2!!!!
I can't wait!

anyway hope you


∆(Y/N)'s POV∆

I walked out of my bedroom, pulling my shirt over my stomach,I smile.

"Hi  again! Its Mommy, is the shirt to tight?"

I asked, like it was going to tell me.

"Daddy thinks Mommy looks good, in that shirt,"
I look up to see Tom leaning against the door frame,with a shirt matching mine:

"Daddy thinks Mommy looks good, in that shirt,"I look up to see Tom leaning against the door frame,with a shirt matching mine:

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I felt my cheeks glow red,as Tom came closer to me.

He asks.

I nod,Tom smiles,and kisses my forehead, then bends down to kiss my stomach.

I smile, as he takes my hand,taking me to the back yard.

He opens the door,letting me take the lead.

I walk down the porch steps to be hugged,by Star and Gina.

They both say,which caused me to laugh.

They let go of the hug,and smile.

"Congrats (Y/N)!''
Star says.

" Ya congratulations!"
Gina said.

"Gina,come here for a sec!"
Marco calls out to her.

"Coming!See ya soon!"
Gina says running off to Marco.
Stat sees Oscar, and waves to him,she runs his way,hollering:

I sigh,as I feel a hand being placed on my shoulder, I look up to see Marco.

"Wanna grab a bite to eat?''
He asks.

" Yes I'm starving!!''
I say already at the table filled with all sorts if food.

I grabbed,some mashed potatoes, carrots, Turkey,and finally cake!
Knowing me I will visit the table more then once tonight.

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