Chapter 6: LLP Ask Me What?

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LLP =Love~ Love~ Paradise

Anyway guys here is your scheduled chapter!
The schedule will become normal tomorrow!!
I promise!

Any way,hope you have a lovely day, and like always,


∆(Y/N)'s POV∆

"(Y/N)....(Y/N)...*sigh* (Y/N)!!!!"

I bolted up out of my seat to see Star shaking me by the shoulders.

"What is it Star?"
I ask quite annoyed.

"Every one is waiting for you, come on!"
She says, dragging me to the docks.
(When I spelled docks it auto corrected to something else...
Just replace the 'o' with an 'I'...ya...awkward...)

"Did you take a nice nap?"
I look behind me to see Tom.

I can feel the heat in my cheeks rise from embarrassment.

"Hehe ...ya...I did actually,"
I replay.

"Well good,I'm glad my shoulder was a good pillow," face was,how do I explain was as if I was Marco's sweater.

"S-sorry about that Tom..."
I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"No its fine....I actually enjoyed it,"
Tom says with a smirk on his face.

He looked over to me,his face was now a light pink.
"H-hey...(Y/N)...I-I..wanted to ask if you wou-,"

"Hello~ I am Guy and I will be your Guyed ~,"
Guy cut Tom off with his energy!

Gina and Star started laughing.

"That was a pun!"
Star says.

"Oh how we will enjoy your GUYdence,"
Gina says trying to hold back her giggle fit.

"Oh I like you already!
If you would follow me,I will take you to your hotel room!"
Guy says walking to the room with the others following.

"What were you gonna ask me Tom?"
I ask facing the ticked off looking demon.

"N-never mind...I'll ask you later,"
He says.
I give a nod,grabbing Tom's hand and running up to the others.

∆Time Skip,Brought to you by
Clip on earings!∆

(Don't ask.....just read...😔)

"This is your hotel ~"
Guy says in a sing song voice.

"This apartment has three rooms!
One single,and two master bed rooms!"

Star yells running up the stairs.
I face plam, as do all the others.

"Well now I have go pick,what room I'm sharing with Marco,"
Gina says,letting out a sigh.

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