Chapter 13: Yes! NO?!?

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So happy late V-Day guys.
Not much today.

Like always hope you


∆(Y/N)'s POV∆

"W-will you?"
Tom asks nervously.

I was still sat on the blanket, along with Gina.

Well that was until she knocked Marco down Into the water, she ran for him so fast.

Tom looked at me,he was visibly sweating.

I nod slightly, I ran to Tom,stumbling on the cool sand.
I rapped my arms around d his neck,almost choking him.
I could feel the tears riding down my cheeks.

"I love you (Y/N),"
Tom says.

"I love you too Tom,"
I replied, tightening my grip.

I look over to Marco, to see him dripping wet, with a just as wet Gina hugging him.
She was so happy she actually was giggling non stop,and crying like I am,but you can barely notice it she's so drenched.

"Happy Valentines Day Baby,"
Tim says looking into my eyes.

"Happy Valentine's day my demon,"
I say smiling.

"W-wait its Valentine's day! I didn't get you anything! I'll be right back,come on Gina!"
I yell as Gina and I start for the store.

Only to be striped by each of our boyfri- err fiancée's.

"You two gave us everything we ever wanted,"
Marco says.

"No we forgot the mist important day of the year!"
Gina protests.

"Ya what did we ever gibe you guys?"
I ask.

The two boys look at one another.

"Umm...a baby?"
They say,sounding like it was the most Obvious thing in the universe.

"Oh...ya I forgot about that!"
Gina says in a happy tone.

"How can you forget about it when every day, you two torment the bathroom, and almost kill us over these stupid cravings?"
Tom comments.

"Before you two say anything to that statement. Tom...we got you these,"
Marco speaks,taking out a small box for Gina,Tim doing the same but the box is for me.

Marco opened his box,and once again Gina broke some old mans glasses,with her high pitched squeals.

Marco opened his box,and once again Gina broke some old mans glasses,with her high pitched squeals

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