Chapter 20:A New Beginning To A Great Life

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OMI guys
We have made it!!!!

To the final chapter if this sucky book that 200 people actually are reading!!!!¡

But have no fear!!!

Book 2 will be released in 20 days from today!!!!!!!

So it will be in March 16th .....U think.

Anyway hope you enjoy this long,long,long,long,LONG


∆Tom's POV∆
(This is like two days after Tommy,Zin,and Niyol are born.)

Today we were bringing Tommy to the house .Since the wedding my Mom and I have been cleaning the house,seeing as Tommy and Gina,couldn't leave the hospital because of some medical stuff.

I was driving down the dirt road,to our home, when I caught a glance,at (Y/N),looking at Tommy,who was asleep, in his car seat.

She insisted on sitting in the back with Tommy, seeing as its his first time to ride in a car,out in the real world.

I smiled,seeing how happy (Y/N) has been,ever since we found out about Tommy.

I looked back to the road,my mind drifting off into thought.

∆~Flash Back~∆

I was busy pacing around the hospital waiting room,when my Mother snapped me from my thoughts.

"I don't think Marco is gonna be the only new Dad today,"
She says.

I was stopped mid step,and started to ask:
"What do you mea-(Y/N)?!?!"
I turned my head to see (Y/N),toppled over, holding her stomach.

She had tears in her eyes,my Mother called a nurse over, she came came over with a wheelchair.

I looked back to (Y/N),to see her worried,and scared expression.

I give off my best calming smile,and pushed a piece of her (H/L),(H/C),hair behind her ear.

She looked up to me and gave off a weak smile.

"You'll be fine,(Y/N). I'll be with you the whole time,I promise,"
I whispered in her ear,lifting her out if her seat,and gently setting her  onto the wheelchair.

I pushed her to the room,that the nurse led me to,as we walked down the confusing hallways of the hospital,I got a look at the nurse.

She had dark skin,blue curly hair,which was probably died,and hazel eyes,she wore a pink nurses out fit,with wight flats.

The woman abruptly stopped in front of a door.

She turned our way with a kind smile.

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