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Some days I don't want to get out of bed. It's been a while since I've considered hiding under piles of blankets and isolating myself from the world. The only explanation I can think of as to why I've changed is him. The boy who forced me to open my heart and then left. 

No phone call. No conversation. Just a small note, scrawled on a yellow Post-It! that read; "Got bored. Later babe" 

Since that day, which for your information, was three days ago, I've lost hope in the male population. My best friend and I have this theory that once boys reach a certain age, they are sent to a facility and trained by professionals to become Super Mega Assholes. 

Hadley, my best friend mentioned above, has tried to convince me to go out and meet new boys, but I don't see the point. Where's the fun in meeting cute boys only to trust them and get your heart broken? 

For me, the new, exciting chapter of my life began tonight, I just didn't know it yet. 


"Hadley, do we have to go out?" I whined for the fifth time tonight, encouraging my friend to put away the pile of cosmetics and dresses she brought over for the occasion. 

"You're meeting someone new tonight, so go get on the shortest, hottest dress you see and let me start your makeup. It's already eight," she shoved her arm in my face, displaying the time on her watch. 

"I still don't see why you bought that watch, it's not like you can afford it," I grumbled, annoyed at the situation I was stuck in. 

"I heard that," she sang, "and it was your money, not mine." 

Hadley skipped down the hallway of my apartment to find a pair of heels she had been mumbling about earlier. I reluctantly browse through the mess of dresses on the floor, my eyes landing on a tight red one. After trying it on, I discovered it was strapless, not showing off too much or too little cleavage, and that it ended about mid-thigh. If I was forced into going out, I at least wanted to look good. 

"Do you have a nude clutch somewhere, Had?" I hollered at her, slipping on my nude heels, "Because I want it! It matches my shoes!" 

"It's in the closet," I heard her reply from the kitchen and cheered in my head. 

Thirty minutes later, we're out the door and heading to the nearest pub. The July air is warm on my skin, a rare occurence in England. 

"So what are we doing here anyways?" I question Hadley as I take in the scene around me. 

"Some local band's playing, I think they're called The 1980 or something?" she knits her eyebrows in confusion as she tries to remember. 

"I see one of my friend's from London, I'll be right back! Stay here, Elliot!" she instructs me and I roll my eyes for what seems to be the millionth time today. 

Pouting, I make my way back to the bar to find an open seat to occupy while I wait for Hadley. I notice a group of guys checking me out while I lazily pick at my nails, not bothering to show them any interest. 

"Rum and coke, make it quick," a voice from behind me snaps. 

Curious, I whirl around in my seat to discover the owner of the voice. 

"You know, it wouldn't kill you to have a little patience and some manners," I suggest to the -- attractive -- man behind me. 

"Listen here, sweetheart, do you want a band to be playing in two minutes or not?" he glares at me, waiting for my answer. 

"I've never even heard of the band, so why the hell would I care?" I spit back at him. 

"Well, darling, you're in for quite the surprise. The name's Matt, I'm the lead singer," he smirks before downing his drink and returning to the stage, wobbling a bit with his steps. 

I sigh, mentally preparing myself for this awful experience Hadley has referred to as a "social life". 

A few chords of a guitar has brought me out of my daze, causing me to glance up at the four men in front of me. 

"We're The 1975, and this is our new song," the drummer announces in a thick British accent. 

I can't help but laugh as I remember Hadley calling them The 1980 earlier... At least she was close. The rude guy from the bar -- Matt -- begins to sing and I'm surprised by how sweet his voice sounds. The group looks like a heavy metal style, so the soft music is a relief to me. 

I don't recognize the song from the radio, I just know it involves girls and seventeen year olds. I hope this hasn't happened before, this group looks twenty three at the youngest. Matt catches my eye quickly before he smirks and returns to his song. 

One particular verse catches my attention. Especially because Matt looked me in the eye while he sang it: 

" I told her from the start, 

I'm breaking your heart " 



Fix You // Matt HealyWhere stories live. Discover now