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Matt's POV 

I shouldn't have walked out of that cafe without explaining. I should have told Elliot that Ginny wasn't my girlfriend. 

But something inside of me couldn't do it. It was like I needed to have some sort of power over her. If she thinks I like her, it's going to make me weak. She'll expect committment, flowers and probably marriage at some point in her life. 

She shouldn't like someone like me. I've got no job, no future and absolutely nothing to offer her. She's probably having a blast with her date that her stupid professor introduced her to. 

And where am I? 

I'm on my second joint, sipping my fifth beer, with a drunk redhead on my lap. Not my finest moment. 

I remember the pain I felt when I lied to Elliot about not smoking weed, but I knew her reaction would suck. She's too sweet to hear about the stuff I've done, one of the many reasons I'm not going to let her get attached to me. 

That girl I kissed outside the convenience store was a favour I called in. The whole plan was for El to see us kissing and assume the worst. It seems to have worked, because she's up at a lakehouse with a "hot boy" and I'm nowhere near her. 

That should make me feel relieved, but I just feel empty. 

"Mattyyy, let's go upstairsssss," the girl on my lap slurs, stumbling as she tries to drag me upstairs. 

"No thanks, Payton, go find your friends," I grumble, hoping she'll leave me alone. 

Could I give up hooking up with girls to be with Elliot? I would be the worst boyfriend ever. 

Desperate to get Elliot's beautiful smile out of my head, I change my mind and drag Payton up the stairs, ignoring her pleas to let go of her wrist. 

I've managed to get both of our tops off when the door bursts open. 

The person facing me isn't who I expected it to be, and they look mad. 



Elliot's POV 

Aidan's friends' names are Micah, Colton and Pete. Colton was apparently "mine" for the weekend, something I didn't mind at all. He looks like he should be on the cover of a surf magazine with his short blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. Micah's girlfriend Liddy is supposed to be joining us tomorrow, but Pete and Aidan were flying solo, hoping to meet some of the college girls in the cabins next door. 

I drove to the lakehouse with Colton while Pete and Micah went with Aidan. I enjoyed the company Colton gave me. We talked about friends, futures, childhoods and little things. My first impression of him was that he seemed like an ass, but he has proven me wrong and I find him very sweet. 

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