Chapter 1

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One windy night at Twilight Sparkle's house, Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer are in Twilight's room reading Shining Armour's superhero comic collections while waiting for Twilight. Shining Armour keeps complaining to Cadance about how much her doesn't trust those girls with his comic books in their hands.

Twilight had invited her friends for a slumber party at her house but only Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer attend. The others are busy. Rarity went to Manehattan for a fashion show, Pinkie Pie and her family went for a vacation in Las Pegasus, Applejack and her family are busy making more apple products because Flim and Flam challenged them into a cook off and Fluttershy went to Camp Everfree to help Gloriosa with her job as a part-time camp director since her brother, Timber Spruce fell sick.

Rainbow Dash sighed and put her book down. "I'm bored."She said looking at Sunset Shimmer. "Yeah, me too."said Sunset putting her book down. "How about let's go downstairs and ask Twilight's parents where's Twilight?"suggested Sunset. "Hmm okay. But you're the one talking okay? I'm just gonna get myself some snacks."said Rainbow Dash jabbing a thumb at herself. Sunset rolled her eyes and walked towards the door.
At the living room, Twilight's father Night Light is watching TV while his wife, Twilight Velvet is busy preparing dinner in the kitchen. Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash walked down the stairs. Sunset went over to the couch and sat next to Night Light while Rainbow Dash head to the kitchen to look for some snacks.

There was a moment of awkwardness between Sunset and Night Light. "So..."said Sunset breaking the awkward silence. "Where's your daughter?"She asked. "Uh, she's at violin class. She should be back any minute now."said Night Light.

Just then, the door flew open causing Sunset and Night Light to turn around. Twilight stepped into the house with her violin case in her hand and shut the door. "Huh, speak of the devil..."said Sunset. Sunset look at Night Light who gave her a deadly glare with 'you dare call my daughter a devil?' written all over it. Sunset held up her hands. "Okay, okay, I was just kidding. Your daughter is the smartest person I know..." Night Light smiled. "Yeah, she got that part from her number one daddio."said Night Light. "And mummio."added Twilight Velvet sticking her head out from the kitchen.

Twilight smiled and shook her head. "I'm going to take a bath."She said walking up the stairs into her room.

"Lets just watch some TV while waiting for Twilight to be done with her bath."said Night Light holding the remote control. He switched on the TV.

"Breaking news, we interrupt this program just to tell you guys that the Mysterious hero who lurks in the Shadow just saved the bank from being bankrupt. The robber have been arrested all thanks to this Mysterious hero. Whoever this Mysterious hero is, we all would like to say thank you for protecting our city."

Night Light switched off the TV. "Boy, that mysterious hero must have love kicking butts since he was small. But hey, we should all be grateful that there's a superhero in town to save us all."

"DINNER'S READY!"said Twilight Velvet putting the dishes onto the dining table.

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