Chapter 5

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The Mysterious Mare is cornered by a few men that belongs to a mafia gang. "You've got no where to run. We've got you now."said one of the man. The Mysterious Mare backed away and stop when she hit the wall.

One of the man cracked his knuckles. The Mysterious Mare looked left and right to find away to escape. But there's no time to think about a proper escape because a man charged towards the Mysterious Mare trying to punch her. The Mysterious Mare ducked the man's attack and moved behind him kicking his butt. The man turn around and ordered his gang members to catch her.

The Mysterious Mare tries to run away but failed because one if the man grabbed her by her wrist. She struggled to free herself. The leader of their gang chuckled while approaching face to face with the Mysterious Mare. "Well, well, look what we have here? Tell me, who are you and why did you disturb out business."said the man. The Mysterious Mare said nothing. "Why aren't you talking? A cat got your tongue?"

The Mysterious Mare look at the man from top to bottom. She kicked the man's private part. His gang members who were holding the Mysterious Mare loosen their grip on her which gave her a plan to escape. She somersaulted her way out. "Get her!" Instructed the man whose private part got kicked. The other men charge towards her but they were too slow. The Mysterious Mare had threw her smoke bomb and disappeared.

"I win again."said Sunset Shimmer putting her cards down. "Aww man, no fair!"said Rainbow Dash. The both of them are playing some card games while waiting for Twilight to return from her outing with her Crystal Prep friends. Sunset stretch out her hand to claim her five bucks that Rainbow Dash bet her when she wins. Rainbow Dash sighed and pull out a five dollar bill from the pocket. "Thank you."said Sunset taking the five dollars.

"Ugh....I'm so darn curious about who's behind the mask of the Mysterious Mare..."said Rainbow Dash laying flat on the floor. "Well, whoever she is, we should be grateful that we don't have to turn ourselves into some sort of Marvel ripoff."said Sunset looking at the bookshelf in Twilight's room for something interesting to read.

After a few seconds of searching for something to read, something finally caught Sunset's interest. She pull the book and the bookshelf rotated, bringing Sunset to somewhere new. The bookshelf rotated again and Sunset was back in Twilight's room feeling really surprised rather discovery.

"Dash."said Sunset. Rainbow looked at her. "I think I just found a secret room behind this bookshelf..."said Sunset. Rainbow Dash gasped. "Really?"She said walking towards Sunset. Sunset nodded.

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