Chapter 3

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"HEEEEELLLPPP!"screamed a couple inside their car that's halfway through falling off the cliff. The ground under the car suddenly cracked and the car with the couple in it fell off the cliff.


Just as the couple are falling to their death, someone stopped them. It's the Mysterious Mare. The couple turn around and saw the Mysterious Mare pulling them up from the ravine using a really thick rope. The rope is about to break. The Mysterious Mare gestured for the couple to get out of the car but the couple was too afraid to move. The Mysterious Mare quickly levitate the couple out of the car using her pink magical aura before the rope breaks. The rope finally broke and the car fell into the ravine with a loud crash. The Mysterious Mare gave the couple a thumbs up and disappeared into the shadows.
Rainbow Dash stretch her arms out almost hitting Sunset in her face and let out a yawn. "I sure am tired. I'm gonna turn in."said Rainbow Dash hopping onto Twilight's bed. "Uh Dash? I thought you packed a sleeping bag for yourself. Why are you sleeping on Twilight's bed?"asked Sunset tugging herself into her sleeping bag.

"Well, sleeping on a bed is way better than sleeping in a sleeping bag. Plus, Twilight isn't here so I'm calling dips."said Rainbow Dash laying on Twilight's bed with her hands behind her head. "Also, this is what she get for ditching her guests just to teach some former bullies or her how to read, count and write."

"Speaking of Twilight, where IS Twilight?"asked Sunset. "What could have took her do long? It's already ten minutes pass ten."

"I don't know. As far as I know, it's either the fact that she's not using English whenever she explains something or either the fact that her Crystal Prep friends became idiots after Twilight transferred to CHS."

"I'm actually starting to worry about her. What if she got kidnapped? You know how many pedophiles are there in this world or what if she got lost and can't find her way home!"said Sunset worried. "Pfffftt, how old do you think she is? Five? I'm sure she'll be fine. Plus, she have super powers now, I'm sure she can protect herself just fine. Just quit being a mom Sunset." Said Rainbow Dash. "I'm not talking to you anymore until the next morning. I'm gonna turn in." Rainbow Dash rolled to her side.

"Dash,DASH! you can't ignore me! DASH!"said Sunset. She kept her mouth shut when she heard Rainbow Dash snoring like a pig. Who knows? There are a lot if possibilities, maybe Rainbow Dash was right? Shaking the thought of Twilight getting lost in the middle of the road, Sunset shut her eyes and went to sleep.

The next morning, the rays of sunlight is shining at Rainbow Dash. She opened her eyes a say Twilight sleeping next to her. Rainbow Dash's  expression was nothing but surprised. What's worst for her is that she realized that she have been hugging Twilight. Rainbow Dash quickly pull her arms away from Twilight and fell off the bed with Sunset who WAS sleeping peacefully breaking her fall.

Sunset glared at Rainbow Dash who was sitting on her. All Rainbow Dash did was smile at Sunset sheepishly.

At the living room, Night Light is reading his newspaper while eating his breakfast. Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer came down the stairs and sat across Night Light next to each other.

"Morning girls."said Night Light. "Morning."said Sunset and Rainbow Dash in unison. "I can't believe I was hugging Twilight while I sleep."pouted Rainbow Dash. "That just made me look like a lesbian ugh."

"I told you not to sleep on her bed and did you listen? No you didn't. So outlines deserve that."said Sunset Shimmer."Is Twilight still asleep?"asked Twilight Velvet putting two plates of pancakes on the table for Sunset and Rainbow Dash. "Oh, that girl? Yeah, she's dead."said Rainbow Dash jokingly earning a punch on her arm from Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight Velvet blinked for a moment. "Did you say that she's DEAD?!"asked Twilight Velvet. Rainbow Dash nodded. Twilight Velvet's eyes widened and she rushed up the stairs and kick open the door that leads to Twilight's room. Twilight flinched and threw something into the cabinet and shuts it using her magic. "OH MY GEEZ TWILIGHT! DID THE DEMON IN YOUR NIGHTMARE KILL-" Twilight Velvet stopped worrying after she saw that get daughter is fine. "Oh thank god you're okay."Saud Twilight Velvet. "I thought you we're dead."

"Dead? What makes you think that I'm dead?"asked Twilight. "Well, your friend Rainbow Dash told me that you're dead and I got so worried."said Twilight Velvet. "Right. Rainbow Dash. Of course..."said Twilight as she did a face palm.

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