Chapter 7

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"Okay, here goes nothing...."

[Flashback and Twilight's POV]

When I was first went to Crystal Prep Academy, before the Friendship Games, I always get bullied, teased and made fun of. I felt really miserable. I seek for knowledge and attention. I get the knowledge part but not the attention part. I was just a nobody back then. My parents and Shining Armour and Dean Cadance are to busy to spend some time with me.

So one day, I was reading some of Shining Armour's superhero comic book collection and got the idea of creating the Mysterious Mare. I spent time making the suit and all the weapons such as some smoke bombs so that I can escape and some blasters. I enjoyed kicking evil's butts and saving the town. I loved all the attention I got and decided to be the hero of the town.

[End of flashback and Twilight's POV]

"Twilight,why didn't you tell us the just so AWESOME!"said Rainbow Dash. Twilight shrugged. "Well, I guess I'm just afraid that you guys will be annoyed whenever I disappear to just save the town."said Twilight. "We WERE annoyed at first. But now, since we know the reason why, it's not that annoying."said Sunset.

"Can we join you in your mission to save the world? Pretty, pretty please..n"said Rainbow Dash. "I already picked my favourite suit. I especially like that blue one over there. I also picked my favourite weapon and it's this baby over here."said Rainbow Dash patting the blaster she was holding.

Twilight puts her finger under her chin. "Hmm....let me think. No." Rainbow Dash's smile did a 180 degree turn. "Aww, why not?"

"Because, you sneaked into my lair and created a mess."Saud Twilight. "Aww not cool."pouted Rainbow Dash. "But I guess I could use some help."said Twilight. "AWWW YEAH! THANK YOU TWILIGHT! I HONESTLY DIDN'T THINK SN EGGHEAD LIKE YOU COULD BE DO AWESOME!"shouted Rainbow Dash happily. "Sunset, you in or you out?"asked Rainbow Dash. "I guess I'm in because I'm afraid that if I don't join you guys, you might call me a coward."said Sunset. The siren went off as the sign of the city in danger.

Twilight went over to the screen and check what's going on. "An artefact from the museum got stolen. We have to retrieve it do let's move!"said Twilight.

And with that, Rainbow Dash Twilight and Sunset suit up and went saving the town from evil. Now Canterlot City has two new heroes and I'm positive that the town wouldn't be harmed.

                   ~THE END~

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