Chapter 15- Kennedy

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Quote:"Smile cause you're beautiful" ~ anon


I looked at the paper in front of me. The very same paper that I signed only about 7 months ago. I saw Kris Jenner look at me, long with everyone else in the room. Everyone was holding their breath, all waiting for the moment I sign the paper. I lifted up the pen and signed my signature at the bottom of the page.

“Thank you very much, Dr. Young” said Kris Jenner and she gave me a smile and I just nodded.

Everyone around me stood up and left the room, I just sat there and stared at the paper. For some reason- I felt empty. Like there was this pit at the bottom of my stomach and I didn’t know what to do. I really like Harry.

“What’s wrong?” I heard Spencer ask me and I looked at her and saw that she had stayed behind and was looking at me with sadness in her eyes.

“Uh, nothing. I have to get back to work” I said gathering my stuff.

“You know, if you really liked him; you could’ve waited out for a little longer” she said looking at me with sad eyes.

I shrugged and looked at her “How do you tell someone you love them when their attention is to someone else or when words fail you?”

She looked at me and I noticed something in her- she was upset and maybe a little broken.

“There always a different way to tell someone you love them- sometimes words do fail you and you have to find an alternative way to say it. Just don’t give up so easily” she said.

“Are you and Niall okay?” I asked her and she gave me a sad smile.

“Yeah, we’re just doing fine” she said and gave my hand a squeeze and walked out.

There’s always a different alternative.







I walked into the ER to see my intern waiting for me.

“Stats Ross” I told him while I looked as I slipped on my gloves while I waited for the ambulance to come.

“19 year old male- GSW (gunshot wound) to the lower abdomen” said my intern Ross and I nodded.

“You okay Dr. Young?”  He asked me. I looked at him and shrugged.

“Just peachy” I said as I saw the ambulance come into view and I jogged over and took my patient to the OR room.







*later that night*

“I mean is it bad that I really like him?” I asked taking another shot and Sophia looked at me skeptically.

“I don’t think so” she said and asked the bar tender to give me a glass of water- I was on my 9th shot.

“I mean, he’s dating that skank and I feel so ugly next to her. Like I know I shouldn’t compare myself to her. But he chose her over me and I guess I should be happy for him…” I whispered out the last part.

“But what?” Sophia asked me as she gave me the glass of water.

I looked at the empty shot glass with sad eyes “I’m not happy for him at all. I know this was a PR stunt, but I really like him”

I leaned my head on her shoulder and quietly sobbed and she put her arms around my waist and brought me closer and just let me cry. The bartender gave us a couple of weird stares but let it pass.







*Next Day*

“Looks like Harry Styles has finally gone out in public with his present girlfriend Kendall Jenner!” said the TV host on E! News. I groaned and rested my head on the back of my couch.

“The new couple went out to the movies and was seen cuddling in the corner and having a laugh. It looks like Harry Styles if finally settling down with Ms. Kendall Jenner. Other reports state that Harry will be showing up on Kendall’s show- Keeping up with the Kardsashian” she continued to say.

“Settling down my ass” I snapped and my cat looked at me with sleepy eyes “Why can’t I be like you? Uh Lexie?” I said to my cat and she just meowed at me and jumped off.

“Rude” I muttered underneath my breath.

I heard my phone ring and I groaned and I let it go to voicemail- again.

“Kennedy- I know you’re home and you need to answer your damn phone- we need to talk!” said my best friend Jack. He and a bunch of other people have been calling me to get off my damn ass.

The truth is I didn’t want to get up. I was living in sweats for the past 3 days and I didn’t want to talk to anyone.

I heard my door knock and I groaned “Go away!”

“Uh, Dr. Young is Shane Ross” I heard my intern say and I got up confused.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him as I opened up the door. He took a step back clearly shocked to see me in this state.

“The hospitals have been paging you and they don’t know what’s happened to you” he said as I let him in.

“Well, why aren’t you at the hospital right now?” I asked him as he sat on my couch.

“We’re worried about you” he said bluntly.


“You look awful" Ross blurted out and I glared at him and he frowned quickly realizing what he just said.

"I'm sorry" he quickly said.

"It's fine, I look horrid" I sighed and sat down "I haven't slept or eaten right in 3 days"

"Why?" he asked sitting next ot me and I sighed.

"I don't think I ever told you guys..." I mused.

"What? you and Harry Styles?" he asked and I nodded.

"Well let me tell you the full story- a life lesson built into this one" I said and he smiled and sat back.

"So it started on May 12th"  I started


I know i haven't updated in a while. i 'm sorry. i have no excuse this time.

 i'm sorry if this chapter sucked...

Listen to the song with this chapter>>>>>>>

there's a picture on the side of Kennedy's INtern

Anway i hope you like this chapter.

lots of love!

~Chriss xx


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