Chapter 2

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*many many years later in Scotland*
I ended up having to turn the entire sackville-bagg family into what I was .. some may say a monster.But that night I did what I had to do to save their lives.

It had been a very long time since then and for many years we have spent our time looking for the stone of Attamon. The stone that head the power to change us back into humans.

I hated how stressed everyone got about the stone reminding me over and over again that this was my fault. The youngest siblings broke my non beating heart more when they would tell me their dreams about being human and growing up.

During the years many of the sackville-bagg relatives had been changed into vampires under Fredrick commands not mine.The entire family had gotten the plague and it was the only way to keep them from dying.

The search for our stone had led us to Scotland a place that brought bad memories for us all. You see the stone wasn't always lost we once did have it in our possession but on the night of the ritual the vampire hunters found us knocked the stone out of our hands and it had never been seen again. Uncle Von had tried to catch it but like the stone Von had never been seen again.

"Was it a good idea coming back .. I mean is this stone really worth it" Gregory asked not anyone in particular

Gregory changed since he's become a vampire I still loved him with all my heart and will stay with him until forever.But the power he holds as a vampire was definitely something to fear when it came to Gregory. He was the only one out of all of us that could not even after all this time contain his bloodlust even with animals.

He was so much more innocent and gentle when he was human.Sometimes i think it's the reason he doesn't want to be. it was no secret to anyone that Gregory wanted to stay a vampire ... he was powerful young and dangerous and that's exactly how he liked it.
"We have a chance to be human again .. to grow up,get married have lots of little babies of course it's worth it" I whispered to him grabbing one of his hands.

"Let's hope so" Gregory whispered back as he kissed me very passionately something we found ourselves doing a lot lately.
I felt his tongue enter my mouth and that's when I had to pull back making him growl at me.
"Children if you don't mind .. we shall set up our home here this grave yard is perfect , now there is to be no midnight walks .. or snacks" the last part of Fredrick's speech was mostly aimed at Gregory Although all Gregory did was smirk.

"Our search begins now we will have the stone and nothing will stop us .. now if I'm not mistaken that vampire hunters blood line has led to here so I expect nothing but cautionary movements. Sleep now children it shall be night soon"

We all found a place to hang upside down and sleep until the moon came up

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