Chapter 6

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Gregory ran over to me as soon as the light was shot out , checking me for any burns or injuries.

"My love I assure you I'm fine" I reassured him grasping his hands and placing a kiss onto them.

Gregory placed his forehead on mine and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry for encouraging you , years of restraint from human blood and I try and ruin it because of my selfish ways."

A smile appeared on my face as I took Gregory's chin between my finger and thumb " Stop pouting my love , it's not attractive in a man" I said playfully as he rapped his arm around my waist and we walked over to Frederick who was now very very weak.

" I found out about the cost of arms" Tony said excitedly. "It's Lord Mc Ashtons , my fathers boss , the missing stone must be at his house" Tony explained

"Did you hear me sir" Tony asked confused thinking Frederick could not hear him.

"You barely saved my life" Frederick wheezed

"He's very weak" Freda explained holding on her husbands hand.

"I know just what you need" Tony smiled and soon we were at a small barn in the middle of no where feasting on cows.

My thirst was quickly quenched and I stood next to Tony. "You're a very helpful little mortal aren't you" I laughed. " you don't get many of those anymore"

"Rudolph is my friend , and friends help each other , like you and Gregory." Tony explained , the poor boy was very naive.

Freda soon pulled Gregory away from the cow and dragged him over to me. Gregory was the newest vegetarian.

Even though he was the oldest out of his siblings , there was nights that Gregory feasted on humans. That all in the past , still Gregory was not to be trusted when it came to blood.

That is why his feeding outfit was a straight jacket, a muzzle that had not yet been put on , a collar and a lead to keep him from getting away.

Freda handed me the end of Gregory's lead. " Clean him off will you my dear , I just want to check on poor Rudolph and little Anna" she said stroking my face.

"Of course Freda , come along Gregory we will do this behind the barn , God knows you've already traumatized Tony enough , did you get any blood in you mouth." I gave out to him noticing all around Gregory's mouth and chin was spilling red.

"Kiss me" He demanded.

"Oh how romantic" I scoffed at him. " you know I remember a time when you used to pick me roses."

"Oh yes and I remember a time you used to jump and the chance to kiss me whenever I asked for it" Gregory rolled his eyes.

"If you think , me wanting to kiss you , is going to get you out of me putting that muzzle you Gregory Sackville Bagg" I stopped giving him a peck on the lips before yanking down the muzzle. "Then you're wrong"

"I can't believe this , isn't the jacket bad enough " Gregory complained as we walked back to his parents.

"I think it's very fitting , Halloween will forever be in your favor" I laughed

"You're not funny" Gregory said shaking his head , the only part of his body he had control over.

"Now I must find a place to hide you children." Frederick announced.

"You can stay at my house" Tony smiled

"We need darkness , dampness and decay" Frederick said frightfully.

"Then you need our cellar" Tony laughed

Tony led us down the stairs of his basement and we all looked around finding where we were going to sleep for the night.

Gregory and I soon found a basket big enough for the two of us.

"Sorry it's- perfect" Freda interrupted Tony.

"I have to go upstairs , but have a good days sleep , and don't worry I'm on it" Tony promised.

"On .. on what dear" Freda asked confused

"Finding the amulet mother , that's how ya kids talk these days , Night dude" Rudolf said to Tony.

Once everything had settled down and most of the family was asleep , I felt a tapping by my head.

"Ava , psst come on sweetheart wake up" Gregory said muffled because of the muzzle.

I had to smile at him and gently lifted the muzzle off his face.

" what's up with you , why are you still awake" I groaned.

"It's still dark out , let's go outside and look at the stars like we used to" Gregory whispered into my neck before placing a light kiss on it trying to convince me.

"Greeegory we can't , if the humans are to hear us what will we say" I told him stroking my finger up and down against the soft skin on his face.

"Come on if Anna if allowed to sneak up to the little mortal then we're allowed to explore to." Gregory said.

And sure enough when I looked over to where Anna was once sleeping , I saw that she was no longer there.

"Alright then come on" I said standing up and helping him out of his straight jacket.

We had managed to make it out of Tony's gigantic house without a sound , well , aside from me giggling from time to time and Gregory shushing me.

We were now in the safety of the outdoors where no one but a mouse could hear us.

"They were Mrs.Anders roses I used to bring you." Gregory confessed and looked at my shocked reaction and started laughing

"Gregory !" I screeched. " she went to the police about that the old bag , and put hand made posters round. It was you all that time" I couldn't take the situation that happened a good 60 years ago seriously and started laughing along with him.

Gregory grasped hold of my hand and kissed it , he then tackled me to the grass silencing my squeal with a kiss.

"We're gonna find that stone you know" he whispered against my lips

"Gregory" I groaned shaking my head only for him to shush me.

"Listen to me , we're gonna find the stone , we're gonna become human , you 17 me 18 , we will wait awhile and then we will marry , and have children , lots and lots of children , because making them will be the fun part" Gregory joked making me scoff and hit him in the arm.

"I mean it Avs" Gregory promised "there's no getting rid of me , I couldn't imagine life without you"

"Thanks" I said with a straight face making Gregory get up and look back at me.

"Thanks? Thanks?!" Gregory mocked , and I started to laugh. "Think this is funny do you ? Ha , I'll give you a 5 second head start" Gregory threatened as he started counting down and we spent the rest of the time before the sun came up chasing each other around Tony's garden.

As we noticed the sun coming up we returned to our bed and lay next to each other holding each others hands and storming each others hair.

"My life is with you Gregory" I whispered stroking his fingers affectionately.

"Thanks" he laughed at my shocked face

"That's it I'm turning ove-No babe I'm sorry I love you , forgive me?" Placing multiple kissed on my neck.

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