Chapter 5.

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"Gregory , stop we mustn't" I giggled as his fangs grazed the side of my neck tickling me. " If your parents are to hear us we shall never hear the end of it" I sighed pushing his shoulders back lightly.

Gregory pulls away smirking look at the dark purple bruise on his lovers neck." Yes I do well to remember last time we were caught in that situation ... except you were in much less clothing" Gregory said whilst looking at me up and down with a smug look in his eyes.

"Stop that you know i hate it when you say things like that " I whisper shouted as i hit him. "Now i shall be returning to bed i will not be dealing with the wrath of your father when he hears us out of bed after hours" I told him walking back to where the family were sleeping like bats.

"Wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied" Gregory cried dramatically.

"Until the night my love" I said as i got into my sleeping position at the back of the tomb and waited for Gregory to join me ... but he never did.

I woke up a few hours later I woke up to the sweet smell of blood. I look to my left to see Rudolph sleeping soundly but there was no signs of Gregory.

I jump down form where I had been hanging and search the tomb. "Ava" Gregory whisper shouted , grabbing me by the shoulder and pulling me back.

"Gregory you almost made my heart start beating again" As I grabbed onto my chest.

"Do you smell it , you do don't you my darling , otherwise you wouldn't be here , for so long you've tried to resist but now the food has come to you" Gregory mocked wrapping his arms around my waist and whispering into my ear.

" we could share , you always did love sharing" Gregory started rubbing his fangs up and downs my neck. "Just one small prick and you'll feel so much better"

Leaving behind all self control I ran to find the source of the smell , Gregory found him first and dug his fangs in. Before I could get the chance to have a taste he was ripped away. I immediately felt defeated and ashamed knowing it was a trap and I had just lost years of self control.

"STOP IT GREGORY , it's a trap" I grunted him pulling him off the man. When Gregory looked at me I saw drips of blood on his lips. Before I knew what I was doing I grabbed Gregory's head and pulled him in for a rough kiss.

However just as I had gotten the taste we hear the bellowing of Gregory's father.

" Gregory you bit him" Frederick hissed.
"Just a taste" Gregory smirked licking his lips making me do the same.

"Ava you didn't" Frederick looked at the stain on my lips glaring at me. Gregory got infront of me and pushed back his father. " she didn't , I'm afraid that was passed on by me" He turned back and winked at me subtly.

"Was it worth betraying your family"

"What does it matter what I think or if I think" Gregory snapped.

All of a sudden there was a strong glow of light which made my skin burn , "AVA" I heard Gregory shout. " Gregory no!" I heard just before I was knocked to the ground by Gregory who was covering me with his body and Frederick covering all of us , we could smell his flesh burning.

There was suddenly a smash and there stood Tony with a sacred look on his face by the incident he had just seen.

"Well little mortal you're timing is perfect" I laughed.

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