Chapter 3

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Living in Scotland was hectic considering we were constantly on edge with the vampire hunter lurking around, however it didn't stop Gregory and I leaving the grave yard in the middle of the night.

Gregory's parents and sister went one way and Gregory and I went our own way to search for the stone.

We searched tombs and caves but still had not found the stone.While I was searching a cave I noticed I had lost Gregory along the way.
"GREGORY" I shouted my voice echoing off the cave walls."This isn't funny we were supposed to stick together" I sighed.
All of a sudden I felt a gust of wind, one arm wrap around my waist and a stick pressed against my stomach. "You're dead" a husky voice said into my ear.I turned around quickly to see Gregory laughing while dropping the stick.

"Think you're funny do you?" I snapped slightly frustrated that he was seeing the hunter and the entire search as a joke.
"I find myself highly amusing my love" He said moving towards me and cupping my face in his hands.

I continued to glare up at him and show no signs in returning the affection."Aww now look... you're gone all pouty, brighten up sweetheart you have eternity to be mad at me can we just take a break now?" Gregory said sarcastically.

"Well if we find this stone I won't have eternity now will I? I might as well start now while you're actin like a child" I snapped
"Please Ava we've been searching for three centuries you really think we're going to find that bleeding stone"Gregory retorted.

"Do you even want to find it anymore?!" My voice was raising slightly.
"No I don't actually! I want to stay like this cold, strong and ruthless that's all I've ever wanted being a vampire makes me feel powerful and that's all I ever want to be."Gregory shouted.

"And what about me" I whispered feeling hurt that not once in his little speech was I mentioned .. about being with me forever.
Gregory's face softened slightly he reached out and grabbed both my hands "I'm sorry .. you know I've been getting frustrated these past couple of weeks I didn't mean to take it out on you , I want to be with you forever, vampire or human, you and I. okay ?" Gregory said as he pulled me into a kiss

"We should probably be getting back now your parents will be wondering where we are"I said
"We could .. or we could kiss for a while and then tell them we fought bravely against a bear .. there's bears in Scotland right?"Gregory asked.

I just laughed and pulled on his jacked "cmon if we get back before your parents I'll make it worth your while"
*returning to the grave yard*

Turns out all five of us had returned at the same time to see a slightly on edge Rudolph.
"Mama , Papa" he said going over to hug his mum and dad. Gregory walked off sniffing something in the air I just chose to ignore it.
I then heard the sound of hissing and turned to see Gregory baring his fangs at a small boy that was hiding behind a head stone."Gregory"I shouted running over to try pull him back while the little boy ran to Rudolph.

"Gregory stop he is my Friend" Rudolph said while pushing Gregory."A mortal" Fredrick shouted with venom in his voice. The little boy shrunk in fear and said "I'm Rudolph's friend and he gave me a bite proof guarantee". "You'll never be anything to my son , dinner perhaps , a slave but you can never be his friend" Fredrick put his two fingers under his chin and raised him into the air.

"But he likes vampires, he dreams about us" Rudolph defended." And he knows about the amulet" Rudolph continues

"Then he's a spy"Fredrick said placing him back on the ground.
"Why, he doesn't look like a spy" Freda said to her husband "and even Rudolph couldn't make up such a story, he's just a boy , but if you do insist on eating him go right ahead. Freda said kissing her husbands hand.

"I never said I would leave and never come back""Fredrick shouted and bared his fangs making the little boy scream and run away as we all watched.

All of a sudden we heard the sound of a machine."ROOKERY" Fredrick shouted. Gregor grabbed my hand and started pulling me back towards the house. We all hid as we watched Fredrick take on rookery.All of a sudden his machine turned off and there was no longer stakes coming out of his machine.

"The age of chivalry is not yet dead" Anna beamed."Anna shhh" I said covering her mouth and pulling her back.

Tony and Rudolph then returned to the underground of the house it sounded like rookery had given up.
"What you did was foolish" Fredrick snapped.
"Foolish ... but brave" Freda complimented. Tony then grabbed Fredricks amulet and both went into a trance."

He has a sympathy for our kind" Fredrick said " young Von found the stone just like rumour had it I saw a woman she had a strange coat of arms, we must find which family she belongs to , trace her crest.

"I can help" tony beamed
"No it's too dangerous to involve a mortal" Frederick said in a monotone voice
"What have we got to lose we've been searching for three centuries" Rudolph raised his voice.
"This is what happens when coming in contact with mortals disrespect!" Fredrick shouted back st his son." Fredrick he does have a point" Freda said softly. "Alright help if you can buy do not think to betray us or my wrath will be revealed am I clear" Fredrick said moving very close to the small boy.

"Now Ava I will give you the responsibility of getting the mortal home, we must have a family meeting once you return."
" of course come along tony" I said softly knowing the young boy must be somewhat traumatised about what he saw tonight.
Once I landed on his balcony I turned to say goodbye.

"I wanna be a vampire" he said smiling at me. "Yanno tony.. I once knew a boy.. kind, warm hearted and generous he wanted more than anything to make the world bow at his feet , he wanted to be powerful and fearless, so when he found the girl that could make it happen he stuck with her .. but ended up falling in love .. he soon after fell sick with his family and this monstrous girl knew what she had to do .. so she turned them into what she was .. and that indeed was a monster." I said slowly almost in a trance."

The girl has never forgiven herself for what she did .. for now all they do is search for a stone to remove the curse the girl put on them.. no sun light .. no trees .. no hot days .. just constant darkness " I finished and looked at him "it's not all that's it's made up to be" I whispered " goodnight tony good luck in your search"

I soon got back to the grave yard and went in search of Gregory only to find him hanging upside down pretending to be asleep.
I bent down slightly and placed my lips on his. "I was sleeping" he whispered kissing back slightly. "How unfortunate" I said as we continued to kiss. "You didn't eat the mortal did you " Gregory laughed.
I flipped upside down took one look at him and said "I never eat and tell"
"Ah I see .. good night my love" he whispered but I was already sleeping like a bat


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