Chapter 7

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We were woken again my the whispering of Rudolph and Anna.

"Oh the drama" Anna explained only to be shushed by Rudolph.

"Daylight or not we must go" Rudolph said making Gregory and I look at each other.

Gregory kicked open the basket with his foot and asked "where are you going"

"You two stay here" Rudolph said before shutting the door once again

"Well that went well , I wonder where their off to"

"Little mortal has probably gotten himself in some danger he can't get himself out of" Gregory scoffed

"Oh look at you all high and mighty , I remember when I used to have to get you out of danger Mr. Sackville Bagg" I laughed

"Yes well , now I am untouchable" He smirked

"Ya ya , ok what ever you say" 

"We must go to the cliffs , I shall be the one to make the call this year" Gregory said trying to get himself into the seating position.

"But Gregory we don't even have the stone , is there even a point in making the call." I huffed

"Ava , I trust rudolf , and even that little mortal boy , they'll have the stone" Gregory said sternly.

"Alright , Alright. Lead the way"

We both got out of the weaved basket and stretched for a moment before Gregory went and took the amulet off his fathers chest.

"He's going to think you've stolen that" I said

"Yes well , let him believe what he wants" Gregory huffed " come on my love we must get going" He said dragging my hand

We eventually made it to the cliffs.

"It is so beautiful up here" I hummed.

"I don't know how there's any beauty left in this world given that you've taken it all" Gregory flirted

" Oh wow very smooth sweetheart"

Gregory went to the highest point of the cliffs and was ready to make the call , but he was hesitant

"Ava I want you to know , even if they do not find the stone , it will still be you and I forever , yes it will be a grave disappointment , but we will continue our search , we will be human." Gregory promised.

I grasped both of Gregory's hand a kissed him on the lips.

"Make the call" I whispered against them

It wasn't long before we heard Anna's soft voice calling us.

"We found the stone , well Tony found it and now they are on their way to get it , isn't it wonderful" she exclaimed making Gregory and I smile to each other

There after the Sackville Bagg parents ran up to us checking that we were alright.

"Thank you Gregory" Frederick said with great appreciation

Both father and son smiled at each other. Seconds went by and members of the clan were showing up one by one.

The comet was getting closer and closer but still there was no sign of Tony or Rudolph.

Gregory and I stood holding hands next to his parents and Anna.

"We have only a few moments more" Freda said quietly to her husband.

"After all of our wondering all of our waiting I've left all of our faith in the hands of two small boys , it's all my fault , I won't even ask your forgiveness I don't deserve it" Frederick ranted

That is when we Saw Tony and Rudolph in the sky , Tony was waving happily at his parents.

"I think you've been looking for this" Tony said handing the amulet to Frederick , making us all cry out in happiness

"The stone , thank you my friend" Frederick said kindly

"The stone of atomon is ours"

Frederick started chanting and all was going well until a blimp started covering the comet and cut off the connection.

There stood rockery with a light cross shoving it in all of our faces making Gregory grab me and put my face in his neck.

Roockery managed to get the stone off Frederick and all of a sudden Tony's dad and mum started fighting roockery making the stone fly out of his hands.

"Catch it Tony"

Tony caught the stone , but it was clear that we only had seconds left

"Tony you know what we want wish it" Rudolph yelled

Tony held the stone above his head and wished for us all to be human and one by one that's what we became.

*months later*

It had been months since we because human and Gregory was having a hard time adapting.

"Ughh when I was a vampire I could lift that with my bare hands" He said puffing out his  chest.

"Yes well know you're human and you need my help" I said helping him with the box he was carrying.

"Wouldn't have it any other way" He said placing multiple pecks on my cheek

"Stooop come on we must help your parents" I said dragging him while he groaned

It was at the castle ground we spotted a little boy making his way towards us and it all just clicked.

"Tony" I exclaimed making everyone look at me strangely.

"You know him" Rudolph asked.

"Yes , and so do you" I laughed and Tony began to whistle , a noise that was familiar to all of us.


And so life went on.

Frederick and Freda got very high class working jobs and bought a very nice residence close to Tony's where all of us could live.

Tony , Rudolph and Anna stuck together in school and everywhere else , they were joined at  the hip. It was in there teenage years that Rudolph would get mad about Tony and Anna spending time together without him.

And as for Gregory and I , we kept our promise to each other  , we got married at 22 as we could not wait to "grow up" any longer. I became a teacher at the school and surprisingly Gregory became a heart surgeon. We stayed together through thick and thin and had 6 wonderful children.

Together .. Forever ,

Til Death Did Us Part. 🦇🦇

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