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Monique's POV

The last note of 'What Makes You Beautiful' ended the concert on a perfect note, literally! Laughing at my own joke we got up to move out of the arena. My feet took me towards the exit doors back towards the car and l realised Mike wasn't following me. Behind me, he stood with a smirk.

"I think you forgot something Mon...?"

It then kicked in, l totally forgot l was going backstage to meet the boys. Not thinking for one more second l ran to where Michael stood, and he held my hand and guided me in the right direction. My hands started to get clammy, and l squeezed Michael's hand just before we entered the doors that read 'ONE DIRECTION DRESSING ROOM'. 

"Don't be nervous, they are great guys, trust me."

With a reassuring grin, we both walked in together hand in hand. My eyes widened when l saw the room was a complete mess. The tables were turned over on their sides, and water was being thrown back and forth from one side to the other. This just looked like a usual occurrence, and the crew around didn't look phased by the boyish act that was being played.

Realising they were in the middle of a water fight, l didn't quite know what to do since they didn't sense our presence. So l coughed, that didn't get their attention either. Damn, l raised my voice a little;

"Excuse me?"

Nope, no reply. I looked at Michael and he had disappeared and joined the boys in the water fight, of course. 


The room suddenly fell into a deep silence, and the five mischievous boys looked up and their eyes glanced in my direction, and shook them out of the trance they were under. Niall scratching the back of his neck scanned my face, trying to recognize me, then he spoke in a thick Irish accent;

"It's Michael's girlfriend! Ya' know? The girl in the photo!"

They all sighed; "Ooooh!"

All five of them raised from behind their forts, and called a truce, which l found quite hilarious. 

"I'm Niall by the way!"

"I definitely know who you are, same goes for all of you, l'm Monique. By the way, Michael is my fiancé now." I pointed to each of them while saying their names."Niall, Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Harry. I am a huge fan!"

They all chimed; "Congratulations!"

This was definitely getting awkward, although all the boys had a strange grin on their face, and out of nowhere a water pistol was thrown in my direction, and l was squirted with water. It was Harry, that cheeky bastard, he was going to get it. The room broke into what seemed like world war three and l charged for Harry. But instead of spraying him, he caught me off-guard and pulled me behind his 'fort'. 

"Hi love, l apologise for all this, we will have more time to talk soon, you just can't stop us in the middle of a game!"

His green orbs stared right at me, and l felt as though they were staring into my soul. The curls perfectly framed his fantastic jaw-line, and matched his perfectly shaped pink lips. I must of not replied because he started smirking. Oh god this wasn't making it any easier. 

He chuckled; "You like what you see?"

I laughed; "You wish!"

Running away from the fort l was going to regret it, and l did. I got absolutely soaked. There goes my nice hair for photos with the boys. I was down a corridor, away from the dressing room, and l checked my phone, it was almost midnight. I need to end this game, it was fun, but l need to talk to the rest of the boys. I want to get to know them!


Michael yelled; "No don't babe, this is fun!"

"We need to be out of here by half-past twelve and l want to do more than squirt water at you guys and scream."

Louis quickly remarks and winks; "Most girls would."

Everybody burst into laughter, and l guess that's how l got the boys to put the guns down and go to a different room to take some photos and stuff. I asked most of them questions, and we all became really close. Niall was so funny, especially when he accidently farted and walked around the room so proud of himself. Unfortunately it was time for us to be escorted out of the arena and say good bye to the boys. 

It was quite strange, Liam of all people kept to himself quite a lot, and never bought up the conversation of what happened on stage during the concert. But while we were all talking, he was whispering to Zayn on and off. It was as if he was ignoring me, and talking about me. Strange. All the other boys were so polite though, and gave hugs and kisses before our departure. Harry was the last to say goodbye, l had made such a fool of myself in front of him. 

As he kissed my cheek, l felt his hot breath in my ear; he cooed; "Call me babe."

Then he shoved what looked like a piece of paper in his pocket. Oh god l just got Harry Styles' phone number. Looking over to my left l saw Michael with a disapproving look on his face. He is so over-protective, Harry is just a flirty person, we were going to be just friends. Right?

Shit. I haven't spoken to Paul, l completely forgot. 

I lie; "Mike l think l forgot my purse, l will meet you by the car."

He silently nods and walks off in the other direction, that was easier than l thought. Trying to find my way down the hallways, l found what looked like Paul talking into his radio. I had to get his attention without causing a fuss, lucky no one was around.

"Hey, you."

"What's up young lady? Leave somethin' behind?"

"No. G says to be careful. If you but this band in danger you are fucking screwed. Your every action is being watched, got it?"

"Who says a little girl like you could talk to me like that?"

I clench my teeth; "I'm not a little girl, don't fuck with me. I can do so much more than you will ever think. I don't give a shit about your Frace Legends or whatever, just stay out of these boys lives."

He looked a bit surprised that l knew my information. He then smirked; "Whatever you say. Little girl."

Without saying l word l stormed off in confidence, but deep down, l knew l would have to face him again while staying in my job. God l need to get out of my job. With my mind in a jumble, l headed towards the car park and bumped into a chest. Staring upwards l see it's Liam, the ass who wouldn't talk to me. Although l was going to remain polite, l had to! Before l could move out of his way he held his ground but sounded nervous.

"S...Sorry." There was a long pause. "For everything?"

I was surprised. "It's uhm... it's okay?" 

"Let me introduce my self properly, l'm Liam Payne, and as you know, a band member of One Direction. I'm sorry for being so rude, you just..."

I got lost in his eyes for a bit; "I'm Monique, Michael's fiancé. Seriously it's fine, was it anything l did in particular?

"You looked... You know actually, l had a lot on my mind and l shouldn't of taken it out on you. A precious fan of ours!"

Realising l needed to meet up with Michael very soon, or he will come back looking for me, l gave Liam a hug and headed off. 

"You know if you need anything, just call me, we can meet up or something?"


Wow. That was strange. 


Aaaahh this is so much better, my past chapters have been so boring. (snores) I hope you enjoyed it! AND I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT TO 500 READS! (Well 550+) But l still want to thank you all it is so amazing, all your comments, votes, and reads mean the world to me and keep me writing l guess! 

I apologise for the late update, l have had so much on lately with school and stuff so yeah. I will be updating sometime next week l hope, but if not l will be sure to tell you guys!

Thanks again! xxxx

- Abbey :)

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