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Monique's POV

I can't believe he said that to me, he has never called me anything like that before. I hated his guts, how dare him think it is okay to call me a 'whore' even though we were fighting. It broke me in two, when we first met, we were soul mates. The minute he introduced himself to me like a gentleman caught my heart, he caught my heart that's for sure. His first date with me was so perfect, we went to a lake at night, and he set up fairy lights and played his guitar to me, and sung a song he had written all about me. We kissed that night, he took my heart. He took the keys to my soul, never to return. 

Breaking down in my car was all that felt okay at the moment. I had to go stay somewhere, and l had no relatives in London, or at least nearby, so l guess a hotel it is. The night resembled heart-break, the sky was crying tears of loss and despair, and everything looked dark and helpless, like my heart being ripped to shreds. It has happened too many times, this is the fifth time we have fought in a few months, and we never fought. Suddenly it occurred to me, for no apparent reason, everything had started to fall apart. Too quickly to fix. 

Pulling into a car-parking spot, l had to make a quick dash to the desk, l'm sure they'll have some spots, even though it's one in the morning. The receptionist did a nice quick job, but l had to sign some contract thing to stay on a particular floor, l wasn't too sure, l didn't pay much attention, l just wanted to get some rest. Not that l would get any anyways. She greeted me nicely;

"Welcome to the Big Ben Hotel, enjoy your stay."

I mumbled a quick thank you and headed up to my room, l didn't need anything from the car, l had everything in my hands. The elevator music started playing, oh of course! It was "What Makes You Beautiful', last time l heard this song everything was perfect! I started laughing so much, and l didn't know why because l was that fucking upset. Now those boys were the reason l was kicked out of my own apartment for the night. Dinging the door opened to reveal the empty corridor. I couldn't even get to my room because l completely lost it. Sliding down the back of the door my laugh morphed into a cry, and l cried tears that l knew were stupid, for a stupid guy, from a stupid girl, l'm so stupid. 

Harry's POV

The reception lady was very nice, l think a bit too nice. She asked me for my autograph and a picture even at the early hours of the morning, l'm glad my fans are like that, so dedicated. Interrupting my thoughts the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. My eyes grew broad as l saw a girl crying her heart out, her red hair was all over the place, and she looked like she was dressed in nice clothes for two in the morning, and l wondered why she here. My feet lead me to her side, what if she was a crazed fan faking it to get our attention, how did they get up here in the first place?  We've even had girls try to sneak in via rubbish bins. Crazy l tell you.  It wasn't until she looked up in my direction l saw a familiar face;


Shocked, l immediately held her chin and looked deep into her red, puffy eyes; "Are you okay?"

She laughed, but then her face returned to a helpless frown;"Does it look like l'm okay Harry?"

That was a bit of a stupid question wasn't it? She scoffed, then suddenly got up and shuffled away in the opposite direction. This is probably the only time l will see her without Mike, l think l need longer than ten seconds with her, another thing, where was her fiancé? Running after her l caught her wrist before she entered her room;

"What happened? Why are you here? Where's Mike? Did he hit you? I swear..."

"Harry god damn it just leave me alone, l don't need your help. I can't talk to some extremely famous boy about my feelings, not like you would care anyways..."

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