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Harry's POV

We get back to our rooms and all l can think about is Monique. She was drop dead gorgeous, and for once she was our age. Or at least she looked like it, maybe a bit older. Usually our fans are a few years younger than us, and you will never know how much trouble that can cause. Her emerald coloured eyes were what caught me off guard. My eyes looked like a dull grey, compared to her glimmering orbs. She also had this cheeky expression on her face, and she wasn't afraid to hold back anything, it really caught my eye. 

Reaching for the card for the hotel room l slid it in the slot, discovering it didn't work. I couldn't be bothered to go down to reception now, maybe later. It was one in the morning anyways, so l may as well have a shower and crash at Louis for the night. I don't think he will mind. So l head over to Louis' and knock on the door;

"Who is it?"

Sarcastically l reply; "A creepy murder with an axe."

"Oh no sorry, l can't let those people in."

About to explain that what l had said wasn't true, the door flung open. 

He flung himself in my direction and put all of his weight on me; "BOOBEAR!"

"Why'd you open it?"

"Mate, there's a peep-hole in the door, l know l'm silly. But not that silly mate. Anyways, what do you need?"

"My card for my room doesn't work, and being the lazy guy l am, l will wait until morning to go get my card fixed at reception. Can l crash here?"

"Of course you can!"

Walking in, the hotel room was a mess. Louis was a very messy person, but an organised mess. He knew where everything was, which l found incredible because l am the complete opposite, very clean. Yeah l know, surprising for a teenage guy. 

"Here are some clothes, although l am having a shower first so, you're going to have to wait."

"Yeah mate that's fine. Go ahead before l join in with you."

"Oh l wouldn't mind that Harry."

He winks and closes the bathroom door, and l hear the shower start. We always talked to each other like that, it was quite funny. A lot of our fans ship us, and call us Larry Stylinson. They think we secretly date each other, and it gets on my nerves sometimes, but you can't stop people's imaginations or opinions on things. This reminded me of old times, when we started on the X-Factor. That seems like such a long time ago now. 

If one of us couldn't sleep or forgot something, we would usually end up sleeping in each others hotel rooms. I remember the first night we stayed in a hotel, we all ended up in Zayn's room, and we did not get a wink of sleep that night. Although it wasn't very good because we had a show and interview the next day, and all of us were walking around like zombies. Management were definitely not happy with us on that day, l don't think they have been since. Laughing to myself l hear the click of the door handle, and out Louis walks out stark naked. Trust him. 

"Whoa mate you right there, trying to steal my mojo?"

"It's not like you haven't seen it before. I can walk around naked as much as l like!"

"I'm going to have a shower, l'll be back, please be changed for when l get out Louis."

Not letting him reply, l walk straight into the bathroom with my clothes, and a towel l had found which was probably okay to use. The door closed and l heard Louis shout;


God, how would l have guessed he would start singing that line from blurred lines. Chuckling l jumped into the shower and let the hot water rush down my back, and rinse out my curls. My hair looked funny when it was wet, like half curly, half not. To me it looked strange anyways. Steam was rising, and instantly l felt refreshed, my mind went to Monique. I can't get my mind off her, the way she looked in that skirt, and you could see her black bra through her white shirt just... Enough of that. She's about to get married, god damn it Harry. She was flirting with me though, but everyone does. I'm just a tool, that everyone uses, then dumps after l admit their feelings for them. It hurts, but l'm used to it.

My shower had finished and l had dried myself off, and put on Louis' clothes. They were a bit small since l was 6ft tall, but l didn't really mind. Walking out into the room, Louis was laying on his bed flicking channels on the television. 

"There's so many good shows on, l can't seem to choose! Save me Harry!"

He's so over-dramatic sometimes; "What about gogglebox?"

The bed fell as l hopped on; "Nah, l'm not a fan of that."

"Doctor Who?"

Louis dived on me, and tackled me; "YES! THANK YOU SO MUCH HARRY!"

"Get off me fatty."

"But l thought you liked me on top?"

In sync we both shouted; "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!"

Laughing hard, l felt as though l was forming a six pack, l heard a strange noise. I wasn't too sure what it was though; "Sssh, Louis l can hear something weird."

"It's your coincidence Harry, it's telling you Louis is hungry, go make him a sandwich."

"No Louis seriously shut-up!"

Louis and l remained silent, and it sounded like a human sound, like crying? We both look at each other with concerned eyes; "I'll check it out, l need to get my card changed anyways. I guess l'll see you tomorrow..."

Louis frowns; "NO MORE SLEEPOVER?"



"Since when?"

"Since... oh but please boobear!"

"Fine, l will be back in a few then."

"See ya’ mate."

I swear he is so bi-polar sometimes. 


I actually enjoy this chapter so much, it's a funny one. Thank you lovely people for reading this, it would be amazing if you could vote/comment too. Feel free to message me anytime, l am looking for new fan-fictions to read at the moment, l don't bite! xx

(P.S. Thanks for the 700+ reads!)

- Abbey :)

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