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Monique's POV

I hate that sick bastard. Shutting the door on me, l slid down the frame of the door and broke into millions of pieces. Harry was ruining my life, l have only known him for 48 hours and l think he has been on my mind more than anything. Why did he have such an effect on me? For god sakes Mon he held you when you were at your most vulnerable! I can't recall the last time Mike did that for me, all he wanted was sex. What happened to the poetic Mike that wrote cute poems that made my heart melt, why were they replaced by those disgusting names that made my heart burst? He used to make me feel so loved, l thought we were going to be all happy after he proposed, but nothing but horrible things have happened since that. Maybe it's cursed? 

Tears were prickling my eyelids, and l stood up hastily and looked into the mirror hanging on the wall opposite. I looked like a mess, my make-up was everywhere but the right places, l couldn't recognise the girl behind those sad eyes. Forcing myself closer l examined my reflection from head to toe, l can't look like this. I resembled a wreck in the Pacific, no way of return. 

Although l had to repair myself, get my head in the right place, and march out of here tomorrow morning a whole new person. Wiping my hopelessness away l then took my shoes off and sat on my bed. It felt cold, it felt alone. Before another breakdown, l headed to the roof-top to grab some fresh air, and was relieved when exactly that hit my cheeks.  Walking over to find somewhere to sit l saw small movement in the corner of my eyes, but l didn't care.

I was surrounded by this beautiful city; l never looked at it in that way. Lights shone reflections on each other, and on the Thames River. Cars were emitting a small amount of noise, but it was mainly quiet, so much for a hustling city of London. It was too cold to be outside at this time of night, l liked it though. My throat responded by coughing a little bit reacting to the dramatic temperature change. The panoramic view took my breath away, why did people like me take this for granted? Why didn't they stop for a minute and look around and think how lucky they were. Even though things weren't too good for me at the moment, l still had it much better than most. 

Looking down my hands were purple and l took a seat on the cold concrete surface that covered the hotel. I bought my hands up to my mouth and tried to warm them up, although l failed, and only made a slight amount of fog, that is how cold it was. Shuffling could be heard behind me, but l was soon joined by another person. It wasn't who l was expecting though, slightly turning my head l saw it was the one and only Liam Payne. 

I smile turned to my lips, Liam was an understanding kind of guy. Probably someone that god sent me to try sort out my endless problems.  

"Liam, l thought you were Ha- someone else."

"Who else could it be, other than the famous Liam Payne? Why are you out here isn't it a bit cold?"

I replied boldly; "Nah l was about to go back inside actually, l am a tough young lady Liam!" Both of us lightly laughing l continued; "I was just clearing my head, it's so beautiful out here."

"Me too, lots of drama, but for some reason l always find my way to the roof to keep myself sane l suppose."

"Yeah, what's keeping you awake at this time too? It's like one in the morning?"

"Just relationship problems, you?"

"Same here."

"You and Mike? I thought you guys were perfect..."

"He's not helping, but it is someone else too-" I paused deciding whether to tell him that it was one of his best bandmates that was causing me trouble.

"You don't have to tell me, its okay."

"I can't, sorry. I need a distraction for a while."

"21 questions?"


"Come on you know what that game is right?"

"I haven't played this since high school."

"You're missing out! Okay l will go first, what is your favourite colour?"

"Green. Why are you at this hotel?"

"I actually own an apartment in the next building across, although you don't have access to a rooftop, and the balcony is tiny, so l come here from time to time, the hotel staff know me well. Okay, uhm... where was your first kiss?"

"Fair enough, uhm in a bathroom cubicle," I giggled reminiscing the memory; "Don't ask."

"Weird... l wonder what the story behind that was. Ask away Mon!"

"What is your favourite movie?"

"Toy Story."

"Oh my god you are just as adorable as some of the things l have seen about you."

"Is that meant to be a good thing?"

"Yes, or at least l think it is cute. We should watch it sometime."

"Sure thing! I have a copy of it at my apartment after actually, some other time." His smiled quickly vanished into a serious look, and he spoke in a serious, but soft tone; "Who is the one causing you all the trouble?"

He looked into my eyes, and l couldn't tear mine away; "It-it was Harry."

He rose angrily; "That WANKER! I knew he would try and get involved between you two, he can't keep his flirty self-"

"It's okay, l will explain if you give me a chance, it isn't all his fault, partially mine- wait, so he talked about me?"

"Yeah, since l am the 'trustworthy one' he tells me everything. It never stops about you Monique." Covering his mouth he silenced himself; "Oh no. I shouldn't of said that. Ah now l am the wanker! I can't believe l just-"

Taking his hands away from his face l tried to calm him down; "Ssshh. Liam it's okay, l can keep it a secret, l never heard it."

Smiling at him, he still didn't look satisfied; "I am such a jerk, he is such a jerk, why is everyone a jerk? I knew when l saw you only two days ago that you were one to look out for, one of those boys wouldn't let you get away so quickly. Although Harry isn't the best at keeping his emotions to himself, especially towards a beautiful girl like you."

My cheeks blushed to a dark red, although it was dark so l doubt he saw; "Awh it's okay Liam l-"

I was interrupted by a set of unexpected lips. Stunned for a second, l soon moved with his soft plump lips, and l took in his sweet, slightly apple scented cologne. I gripped onto his shirt, and he responded with a hand holding the back of my head, holding me upright. Then realised what the hell was going on. 

"I am so sorry Liam. You're a sweet guy, but l-l-" I pointed between us; "...this thing. Us. Never happened. I'm sorry."

The crinkles beside his eyes disappeared, and his eyes were filled with something l couldn't quite grasp, although it wasn't all sadness. Before he could reply l bolted towards the door and never looked back, even after hearing my name being shouted several times. No one could know about this, absolutely no one. My head was cluttered with names and feelings, and my heart was all over the place.

So much for clearing my mind.


o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0oh was that a good plot twist, i personally think it was a good one. although keep reading because for what is to come, this will seem so minute ahhaha.


not that much compared to others but thank you for putting a smile on my face, sorry i didn't upload yesterday, i had some family stuff going on that made me not able to upload the next chapter. 



but you are all still lovely. (so basically comment below your opinion and anything really i don't even care if it's irrelevent i LOVE to hear back from all of you!)

- Abbey xx

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