Chapter 5

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Carlie's POV

He was kissing me.... And I was letting him.....'what are you doing?!' I thought to myself....'you don't like can't like him, not after what he did. Because of him I hated myself, he was the reason I put that fake smile on my face from 6-8 grade. It was Austin and his friends that bullied me....but was he different now? No he hasn't changed at all he was still that jerk who told me he loved me, then turned around and bullied me for three years...'

Thinking about that tears came to my eyes, but I hid them, I've gotten good that that over the years. No one knows about what happened between me and Austin all those years ago. Everybody thought we just wanted to be friends back then, when in reality I never wanted to be near him after all those names and things he said to me. I just went along with it...I never told anyone what Austin said to me, and I am gonna keep it that was.

Once I snapped out of my day dream I realized Austin was still kissing me. I immediately pulled away, not giving it a second thought. I began to shake my head, not making contact with Austin. I couldn't look at him for the moment. He picked up my chin and forced me to look him in the eyes. I could see the hurt, but mostly the confusion. That got me kind of mad. Was he really surprised that I wasn't going to take him back that easily, after how he tormented me. You can forgive, but never forget, you know. He started talking slowly and a little out of breath. " this because..." He trailed off. I didn't need him to continue what he was going too say, I knew it already. I just nodded, and he stayed silent.

We stayed there in that uncomfortable position for what felt like forever, until the silence was broken by the bell ringing. I looked up and notice he was staring at me. How long has he been like that? Kids started to fill the hallway and I began to turn away to go to my next class when Austin took my hand once again. He pulled me to a dead end hallway where know one was. " Carlie, please I want to talk this through. I still love you. Meet me at my house after school?" He looked at me with hopeful eyes. I was shocked. He told me he still loved me. All I could do was nod my head. He grinned at me widely, and winked before turning away.

"Oh crap" I said so only I could here. I bit my lip. What the hell did I just get myself back into?


Ok guys so this chapter was okay, not the best I know but it has a good point.... Comment what you guys think I should do. Should she give Austin another chance, or stand him up? Ok so vote, comment, share, and keep reading!

Xoxox: Caitlyn

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