Team 7

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12 years later:

"Team 7 consists Naruto Uzumaki,...Sakura Haruno,...Sasuke Uchiha,...and Kagome Higurashi." Iruka said. Kagome, with Kirara on her right shoulder, and Naruto shot up from their seats and cheered. When they noticed the attention they were receiving, they quickly sat back down.

We're on the same team, Kagome-chan! Naruto thought, excitedly. Kirara mewed for her excitement.

Hai! But we're stuck with a fan girl, Naruto-kun. Kagome thought with a smile, which turned sour after mentioning the 'fan girl'.

Ugh. Naruto groaned. Both of them slumped their heads down when they heard that Sakura Haruno was put on their team. Not to mention, Sasuke Uchiha, who's known as the emotionless prince with no social life (that's what Kagome thinks). Even if she doesn't like Sasuke, she promised Midoriko that she would protect Naruto and Sasuke. She wasn't so sure about Sakura though.

I wish Hinata-chan was on our team instead. Kagome thought, sighed.

I agree, Kagome-chan. Naruto thought, sighed. Kagome and Naruto are able to communicate telepathically because of the nine-tails inside of Naruto (which Naruto never even knew back then) and Kagome's abilities that were gained from her summons: kitsunes. Kagome had been reunited with Shippo and Kirara in the shinobi world when she was eight years old. Shippo had made a summoning contract for her when she was in her first year at the academy. Kagome was surprised to meet all of the kitsunes that she had rescued and saved back in the feudal era. Full fledged kitsunes and hanyō all pledged themselves to her as soon as she signed the contract. They also got along fine with Naruto as well.

The reason why Kagome and Naruto are close is because they've been brother and sister ever since they were babies. Kagome's mother adopted Naruto after the nine-tails attacked the village. Even though no one wanted to take care of Naruto because of the beast, her mother decided to take on the role as Naruto's mother. Kagome took on the role as Naruto's older sister, even though he's a week older than her. But that didn't matter to them.

"Iruka-sensei! Why do I have to be paired up with those two? I thought this was suppose to be a three men squad!" Sakura said while pointing at Kagome and Naruto. An angry tick mark appeared on both of their heads. Having Sasuke on the team was bad enough, but having Sakura on it made it even worse. A lot worse.

"We have an uneven amount of graduates this year. We have to pair each group with the highest scores and lowest scores, which balances out the team. Simple as that, Sakura." Iruka said with an angry tick mark that appeared on the side of his head. He really didn't like being interrupted at the moment.

"So Sasuke-kun and I are paired together?" Sakura asked in a hopeful, yet cheerful tone.

"No, Kagome is. She scored higher than you and Sasuke. Naruto somehow managed to score higher than you, Sakura." Iruka said, "Make sure to work on your jutsus because they're your weakest point."

Soon everyone started to laugh at Sakura. She felt so embarrassed at that moment. She couldn't believe it! Kagome and Naruto actually scored higher than her?! That's impossible! Those two are well known pranksters. Not to mention that some of the boys think that Kagome is a wild beauty because of her sapphire eyes and long black hair with a tint of blue that was tied in a ponytail. She seemed pretty strong in everyone's eyes. All of the boys were fanning over her whenever she smiled at them. She hoped that Sasuke didn't have feelings towards Kagome. Then she noticed that Sasuke turned his attention at Kagome. Sakura's fears were about to come true.

"So let's all get along, Haruno." Kagome and Naruto said at the same time while smiling with closed eyes. She sweat dropped at the tone of their voices. Somehow she knew that their smiles sometimes mean that they're about to cause trouble.

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