The Chūnin Exams Begins

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Kagome and Naruto got up late from getting back from their mission yesterday. So they had some breakfast before they had to meet up with Kakashi. They both of them knew they would probably make it on time. They had a few missions today. D-ranks mission to be most specific. Unfortunately, Naruto caused a little bit of trouble on each mission and so they stopped all of their missions. Kakashi soon left after Naruto got angry at Sasuke. Sakura threatened Naruto that she would end him while Kagome was trying to be the peacemaker. Then Sasuke insulted Sakura about being weak and she went into depression mode. But what they didn't expected was that a big box with rock patterns on it and two holes in front was following them. Naruto quickly turned around and the box stopped moving.

"Knock it off, Konohamaru. I know it's you. Seriously, there aren't any rocks that have two holes in it!" Naruto said with his hands on his hips. The box opened with a puff of smoke and three young kids appeared. Kagome and Naruto instantly recognized the trio: Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi.

"Why are you guys following us?" Kagome asked, her brow arched.

"You promised that you would play ninja with us." Konohamaru said.

"Naruto-kun, you're a ninja playing a ninja. That's just stupid." Sakura said, deadpanned.

"Is she always like that, Kagome-chan?" Konohamaru asked.

"Hai. What she doesn't realize is that we're training you to become ninjas." Kagome said, "Right, Naruto-kun?"

"Hai." Naruto said.

"So pinkie is the dumb teammate, right boss?" Konohamaru asked, looking up at Naruto.

"Why you little!" Sakura began to say as she chased after Konohamaru, only for him to bump into someone. Konohamaru looked up at the person he ran into. It was a guy, probably older than Naruto. He wore a black, baggy, full body suit with a red and yellow circle in front. He also wore a black hood that covered his head completely and had cat-like ears and his hitai-ate was on his forehead. He had a purple triangular face-paint design on his face, which gave him a somewhat creepy clown look. He also had a mummified figure strapped to his back. The one next to him was a kunoichi who had teal eyes and sandy blonde hair that was gathered into four consecutive ponytails. She wore a light purple-coloured, off-the-shoulders garment that extended to halfway down her thighs, a scarlet sash tied around her waist, a fishnet worn over her shoulders and on her right calf and left thigh, and black ninja sandals. She wore her hitai-ate around her neck and she was carrying a giant tessan on her back. The symbol on the two's hitai-ates signified that they were from Suna, the Hidden Sand village. The Suna shinobi looked down at Konohamaru.

"That hurt you little brat." The Suna shinobi said. Unexpectedly, he picked up Konohamaru by the front part of his shirt.

"Hey, let him go!" Sakura said. Konohamaru was trying to get out his grip as he kicked his legs. But it had no effect on the shinobi in front of him.

"Stop it, Kankurō or we'll get scolded later." The Suna kunoichi said.

"I just want to have a little fun with these noisy pipsqueaks, Temari." Kankurō said. Temari sighed.

"I'm not going to be responsible for what you do to him, Kankurō." Temari said, turning away with her hands on her hips.

"Let me go!" Konohamaru yelled, trying to get out of Kankurō's tight grip.

"All that fussing makes me want to hit the brat." Kankurō said, smirking, as he raised his fist. Konohamaru quickly shut his eyes as he prepared for the upcoming pain. But he felt no pain, he opened one of his eyes and saw Kankurō's wrist being held by a metal chain that was wrapped around it. Taking advantage of his distraction, Kirara jumped onto Kankurō's face which caused the ninja to drop Konohamaru. At the last second, Naruto caught him and jumped away from the Suna shinobi. Soon enough, Kankurō felt something cold and sharp on his neck. He looked in the corner of his eye and saw a Konoha kunoichi with a katana at his neck.

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