The Bell Test

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The next morning, Kagome and Naruto woke up two hours late past the due time for the test. Kagome knew that Kakashi wouldn't show up for another hour or so. Naruto didn't realize the time until after they finished breakfast. Kagome calmed him down when he started to panic. After calming him down, they double checked their ninja gear before heading out the door. Kagome's mother, while holding Kirara in her arms, wished them 'good luck!' as they walked through the streets.

"Are you sure that he'll be late, Kagome-chan?" Naruto asked as they walked towards their destination. He knew that Kagome was very observant of anyone she encounters. Her theories are often correct. She seemed more tactical and more knowledgeable than Sakura. Before they left, he had asked why Kirara wasn't going with them. She said that she didn't want to reveal Kirara's abilities just yet.

"Hai. Seeing what had happened yesterday, I predict that he's someone who is mostly late for meetings." Kagome said, "Except for the Hokage, of course."

"You think so?" Naruto asked.

"Hai." Kagome said, "But you already know the reason why, Naruto-kun."

"Hai, I know." Naruto said in a sad tone. They knew where Kakashi was at the moment.


"Where have you two been?! You were suppose to be here three hours ago!" Sakura yelled.

"We woke up late." Kagome and Naruto said at the same time. An angry tick mark appeared on Sakura's forehead. She was already getting tired of them speaking at the same time. She began to wonder how they do that. Even though that she and Sasuke were waiting, she had alone time with him. Unfortunately he wasn't paying any attention to her. Much to her disappointment. What deepened it was when Kagome and Naruto showed up.

To Kagome and Naruto, there was no point of waiting for three hours late for their sensei to show up. But it was worth it when they saw how antsy Sakura was getting from waiting too long. It was just a matter of time when she'll snap.


"YOU'RE LATE!" Sakura and Naruto yelled as they pointed at Kakashi. He finally showed up an hour later after Kagome and Naruto arrived. Sakura and Sasuke were not that happy about him arriving late for their meeting time. It didn't make a good impression.

"Sorry, a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way around." Kakashi lied. By the look on their faces, they weren't buying it. He scratched the back of his head nervously. Then he decided to change the subject.

"Now that we're all here, let's get started." Kakashi said. He walked over to three wooden poles that stood in the middle of the training ground and placed a timer on top of the middle one.

"This timer is set for noon." Kakashi said as he took something out of his pocket, which revealed to be three small bells attached by red strings, "You have until then to take one of the bells from me."

He waved the bells in front of them, making them jingle, "If you don't retrieve them, I'll tie you up to these poles and will be forced to watch me eat lunch."

At that moment, Sasuke and Sakura's stomach growled except for Kagome and Naruto since they already ate breakfast. So they pretended that they didn't eat.

That's why he said no breakfast. Sasuke and Sakura thought at the same time.

"Wait a minute, why are there three bells when there are four of us? How does that work?" Sakura asked, pointing it out.

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