The Competition

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When Team 7 entered the room, they could feel all of the stares and some glares from the genin in the room as soon as the door closed behind them. It was very intense. Kagome didn't expect to see so many genin from different countries to be in the same room. She figured that the intensity came from the other genins because of the countries that don't really like one another.

"W-Wow." Naruto trailed off nervously.

"I-I guess we're not alone." Sakura said, nervous as well.

"Sasuke-kun, you're here!"

Kagome, Naruto, Sakura, and Kirara turned towards the voice to see Ino hugging Sasuke from behind.

"I've been waiting for you eagerly to show up with that handsome face of yours!" Ino squealed while wrapping her arms around his neck. Unfortunately she didn't noticed that Sasuke was annoyed by her close contact with him, which Ino completely ignored.

"Back off from Sasuke-kun, Ino-pig!" Sakura barked while pointing at Ino.

"Oh, it's you, Sakura." Ino mocked her as she got down off of Sasuke, "Your forehead is still wide and you're ugly as always."

"What did you say?!" Sakura exclaimed while Ino stuck her tongue out. Kagome sighed at their childish behavior. She was starting to get annoyed with them fighting over Sasuke.

"You four are taking this troublesome exam, too?" Shikamaru asked with his hands in his pockets as he walked up to them with Choji beside him.

"Hey, it's the idiot duo." Naruto said.

"Naruto, manners." Kagome said, sternly.

"Stop calling us that." Shikamaru scolded him.

"Hey! Found you all." Another voice said, "I see that everyone's here."

The voice turned out to be Kiba who had Akamaru on top of his head.

"H-Hello." Hinata greeted shyly. Naruto turned towards her and began to blush.

"So you three made it here, too?" Shikamaru asked, "Geez..."

"I see. All ten rookies are here to take the exam this year." Kiba said and turned towards Kagome, "Hey Kagome-chan, Kirara!" He cheered.

"Good to see you too, Kiba-kun. Also you, Akamaru-kun." Kagome said with a closed eye smile. Akamaru barked in greeting while Kirara meowed. The two animals always got along with one another even though they're two separate species. They both jumped off their partner's shoulders and started to play with each other. Then Akamaru walked over to Kagome and she patted him on the head before she scratched him behind his ears. Unexpectedly, another two tailed cat walked up to Kagome.

"Isamu-kun?" Kagome asked and he mewed, "Then that means that Kohaku is here as well."

"Hey that cat almost looks like Kirara." Kiba said as he stared at Isamu who jumped into Kagome's arms. She looked around the room and spotted Kohaku a few rows down. The two boys beside looked to be his teammates.


K-Kagome-chan? Kohaku thought when he caught sight of Kagome. She smiled at him and waved as she held Isamu with one arm.

It's really her. Kohaku thought when he gazed at her. He was really glad to see her at the exam. He wanted to make sure that he'll be able to help her throughout the exam. Even if his own teammates questioned it.

"Hey Kohaku, what are you looking at?" Nao asked.

"N-Nothing." Kohaku stuttered. Ken whistled.

"Now that is a beautiful girl." Ken said when he saw who Kohaku was looking at.

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