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"Did he say anything?" Jimin asked, while dressing himself for school. When he woke up, he was alone, and Yoongi was nowhere to be found.

"He said he had something to do... Jimin are you sure you're ready to go back to school? You had a fever yesterday! The professors will understand if you're absent." Jin said, totally not convinced that he's indeed well enough to go to class.

"I'm fine hyung, plus, midterms are coming, I can't afford to miss any classes." Jimin smiled, tying up his nikes, and throwing his backpack over his shoulder.

"Fine, but if you feel sick or anything just go to the infirmary okay?" Jin sighed, giving up on convincing the stubborn boy to stay home and rest.


"Have any of you guys seen Yoongi hyung?" The brunette asks while all of his friends eat in silence.

"He came in late this morning, I'm sure he'll join us soon... Oh! There he is!" Namjoon points towards the green haired boy who's walking slowly towards the table. From far away, a small bandaid can be seen on his cheek, and his lip looks a bit swollen.

"Hey guys, mind if I sit here?" He asks, Jimin scoots over, pushing Taehyung a bit harshly, squishing him between his and Hoseok's body.

He pats the place next to him, signaling Yoongi to take a seat. He gives him a small thanks, but looks away from the younger boy.

"What happened to you?" Jimin asks a bit worried, he probably shouldn't barge in the older's business but his curiosity gets the best of him.

"Oh, nothing. It's fine," Yoongi says, taking the French fries on Namjoon's tray.

"What do you mean it's nothing?" Jimin huffs, grabbing Yoongi by the jaw and forcing him to look his way so that he can get a better view of his beaten up face.

"You're face looks like shit, there's no way 'nothing' happened!' Jimin pouts, running his small fingers over Yoongi's swollen lip, caressing the spot on his cheek, making sure not to hurt him.

"Jimin , it's fine." Yoongi removes his face from Jimin's grasp, and frowns. He pulls out his phone from his hoodie, typing a quick text.

Jungkook's phone vibrates, then stands up and leaves. Yoongi leaves right after. Namjoon seems to realize, giving Jin a peck on the cheek before storming out of the cafeteria and running after Jungkook and Yoongi.

Jimin stares in the direction they disappeared to, he can't help but feel a bit left out and also, he can't help feeling so distant from Yoongi.


Before he knew it, it was Saturday. At this moment, Jimin should be getting ready for his date with Yoongi , if it wasn't because the green haired canceled at the last moment, claiming that he had something to take care of.

Jimin lays down, looking up at the ceiling. Jin is out on a date with Namjoon, Hoseok is staying over with Taehyung, and Jungkook, well they aren't close enough to hang out. Yoongi is who knows where, while Jimin is bored out of his mind.

Suddenly the door bell rings, and Jimin is undecided on whether he should answer it or not. If it was Jin, he had his own key to open it, and if it was Taehyung or Hoseok, they would have called ahead of time.

He rolls around, tucking his head under a pillow, hoping that whoever is at the door just leaves.


Jimin's head jerks up, probably got whiplash from how fast he lifted it up. The muffled voice is no one else's but Yoongi's, and Jimin runs straight for the door, hoping that he didn't leave.

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