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Yoongi stood by the door, wide eyes and mouth agape. He didn't know what to say, whereas if he did say anything, he may seem over possessive and things probably weren't even what it seemed like to him. He stood quiet, and waited for Jimin to say something.

"Hyung, it's not what it looks like!" Jimin almost instantly defended himself, which earned him a confused look from Taemin.

"Who are you?" Taemin asked all of a sudden. Seemed like the situation had made them all forget what they were all doing in the same room in the first place.

"I'm Yoongi, who are you? Why are you here and why is Jimin here, with you?" Yoongi asked in return with a pretty annoyed tone.

"Oh, Im Taemin and this will be my room from now on too." The boy said as he realized that he had just met his roommate, and he chuckled when he remembered why everyone was apologizing to him. This 'Yoongi' guy was certainly not the best person to room with after all.

"What are you doing here?" Yoongi directed his eyes to the startled boy who remained silent, "Jimin, why are you here?"

"I was helping him get set up, he just moved and he's my friend. We were friends since a long time ago and we wanted to catch up, that's all." Jimin laughed awkwardly, hoping to decrease the tension in the room.

"Oh, is that why you didn't answer my texts?" Jimin's eyes widened, he never even glanced at his phone after exchanging numbers with Taemin, "My phone died," He lied.

"Oh," Yoongi removed his bag from his shoulder and set it on his bed. He took out his wallet from inside his jacket, and grabbed his keys.

"I'm gonna grab some food, want something?" He asked Jimin, and then at Taemin. His boyfriend shook his head and smiled at him, making Yoongi sigh and smile in return.

"I'll be back soon okay?" Yoongi said walking closer to Jimin and leaning in to give him a light kiss on the lips, "Behave."

Jimin nodded, and closed the door after waving goodbye to him.

"That was so close!" Jimin sighed as soon as he closed the front door. He leaned against it, holding his hand against his chest near his heart.

"Why didn't you tell me Yoongi was your roommate?" Jimin asked as soon as he realized that Taemin had talked about his roommate without actually telling him the name.

"You never asked," Taemin shrugged, "Is he your boyfriend?"

Jimin nodded, and walked towards the bed to continue putting some of the stuff away.

"You can do better than him," Taemin said, making Jimin frown at his comment.

"Who? You?" Jimin said bitterly.

"Yup, me."

"Whatever, he's nice to me okay. Leave him alone." Jimin threatened.

Taemin raised his hands up in defense, "I'm just saying though, he's not even that good looking Jimin. Come on, we'd still be together if it wasn't be-"

"I don't want to hear it Taemin, I like him okay. You're my friend, and I love you. A lot, what happened between us already happened, all there's left is our friendship and that it. Don't fucking spoil it bitch." Jimin said.

"Fine, just know I'm always here." Taemin ended the conversation with that, and headed towards the closet to put away his clothes.


"So how long have you've known each other?" Yoongi asked as they all sat down in the living room to watch a movie.

Jimin sat down in between Yoongi's legs on love seat, while Taemin laid down on the recliner.

"Years! We met each other in fourth grade and were inseparable since then." Taemin said.

"Yeah, until his mom had to move away in junior year in high school." Jimin added.

"Wow, how did you put up with him that long?" Yoongi joked, and Jimin pouted in return.

"Cause we're the same, he puts up with me and he puts up with me. Otherwise I would have cut him off a long time ago," Taemin answered, "How long have you been dating?"

"Officially? One day." Yoongi shrugged, "I've know him for quite a while though, he didn't like me very much at first."

"You grabbed my ass at a party Yoongi," Jimin said is a matter of fact tone, "You slapped me and called me a pervert," Yoongi retorted with a teasing smirk.

"So y'all haven't dated for a long time, that means y'all haven't had sex yet," Yoongi furrowed his brows and looked at Taemin who was staring at him with an intense, defiant look.

"Excuse me?" Yoongi asked, not because he didn't hear him, but because he wanted to make sure he heard him right.

"We have!" Jimin jumped in, and glared at Taemin. Yoongi turned back to look at Jimin, giving him a confused look.

"Sure," Taemin looked away back at the television.


"Who the hell is he Jimin?" Yoongi asked, taking advantage of walking him back to his dorm.

"He's my friend, I told you." Jimin sighed.

"You better tell me Jimin, we've just started dating and if this is going to turn into a joke to you then it's better to sort shit out right now before it gets worse," Yoongi said.

"You're overreacting hyung," Jimin kept walking, trying not to argue with him.

"I'm not, I wasn't going to say anything at all but I don't have a good feeling about him... Tell me, did you guys used to have something going on or what?" Yoongi insisted, he grabbed Jimin's arm hard and pulled him so he would stop walking.

"Yoongi that hurts! Stop!" Jimin tugged away his arm, but Yoongi's grip only tightened, "fucking answer me!"

"Why should it matter anyways! It's the past! We're only friends now!" Jimin yelled, tears threatening to fall.

When Yoongi realized the look on Jimin's face, he quickly let go and changed his expression, "Im sorry baby, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"Whatever," Jimin pulled away and walked away to his dorm. Yoongi didn't follow after him, instead he just watched him walk away.


Yoongi walked in to his dorm, and found Taemin laying down playing with his phone. When he closed the door, his roommate's phone rang.

"Hello?" Yoongi heard him say when he picked up, "why are you crying?"

"Ah okay, I'll be there in 5. Bye" He hung up and got up from the bed.

When he approached the door, he gave Yoongi a dirty glare, "you probably know who it was already," he smirked as he opened the door and left.

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