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That night Yoongi wasn't able to close his eyes even for a second. He felt guilty and like the worse boyfriend for treating Jimin like that. It made it look like he didn't trust him and how insecure he was about their relationship.

For fucks sake, they had just started fucking dating and he was already acting like a jealous prick. What the hell.

His night rolled around slowly, ways of apologizing to Jimin replayed in his head over and over again.

He decided on texting Jimin, asking if they could talk.

But Jimin didn't reply.

Yoongi sighed in defeat, he told himself he'd just have to wait and talk to him tomorrow even if he had to beg.


The following morning, Yoongi woke up to the sound of his alarm going off too close to his ear. He groaned and lazily pressed the snooze button, gathering up enough energy to get up and start getting ready for his morning classes.

After taking a shower and brushing his teeth, Yoongi headed to the closet and grabbed his clothes for the day. Almost ready to leave, he took one look around the dorm, realizing that his roommate didn't come home.

A million thoughts crossed his mind, but decided to erase them completely from his memory and not let the jealousy get the best of him and actually ruin his relationship with Jimin even more.

He grabbed his backpack, his keys and cell phone, slamming the door as he headed to class.

Oh his way to the building, he saw his group of friends standing at the entrance of the food court. He let out a deep breath, and walked up to them.

"Hyung!" Jungkook shouted as Yoongi got closer to them, "let's go get some food," Yoongi nodded, and followed both of them into the cafeteria. Once inside, they went to stand in line to get a coffee and a croissant for breakfast.

"You're not with Jimin today," Namjoon commented. The mint haired boy shook his head and gave him a bitter smile.

"Want to tell me what happened?" Yoongi again, shook his head. To be honest, he didn't want to tell them anything because they would just tell him the same shit again. Good boys don't fall in love with the bad boys.

When all three males got their breakfast, they walked around until they found an empty table. The ate in silence, until Jin and his group of friends joined them. Well everyone, except for Jimin.

"Hey babe," Jin said kissing Namjoon's cheek softly and taking a sip from his coffee.

"Where's Jiminie?" Yoongi suddenly asked, he really wanted to apologize to him. He didn't know if Jin and his friends knew about what had happened, but if they did, they didn't say anything about it.

"Don't even talk to me about him," Jin sighed, rolling his eyes and looking at Yoongi straight in his eyes, "Are y'all still dating?" Jin asked making Yoongi frown.

They didn't break up. Or at least he didn't think so. Why would Jin even think they did?

"N-no," Yoongi said looking down at his untouched food.

"Well, you better put a leash on that dog Yoongi,"

"What are you even talking about?" Yoongi asked confused about the situation. It was just an argument, nothing to even consider breaking up over.

"His little buddy stayed the night, what was his name again?" Jin said in a pissed off voice.

"Anyways, it's none of my business but not bringing guys over to our dorm was our only rule." Jin added, "I was fine with you coming over cause you're his boyfriend but that guy isn't even anything to him! The hell is wrong with his brain?! No wonder he can't hold a fucking relationship." Jin sighed.

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